she wakes you for cuddles

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Staring up at the ceiling, Soojin tried to take a breath to calm herself down as the anxiety crept up on her a little more.

She's got a long and busy day ahead of her tomorrow and she can't seem to get to sleep, despite having a busy schedule today as well.

It's nearing two am and she keeps trying to get to sleep but every time her eyes close, all she can think about is how many hours she has before her alarm will be going off and how many things she has to do tomorrow.

Letting her eyes slip shut, she could feel the tiredness starting to set in.

But it wasn't strong enough to sleep yet and it's been that way since you both decided to call it a night almost two hours ago.

She's tried all she can think of to get to sleep; counting sheep, trying a couple of different breathing methods, turning the temperature down a couple of degrees, and has done everything she can to keep herself from glancing at the clock too often.

But, still, she's wide awake and she's just not sure what to do.

The last thing she wants is to get out of the warm bed you share because her blankets are cozy and you're so warm beside her that, even though you're not in her arms, your body heat and presence are helping to calm her anxiety a little.

Letting out a heavy breath, she turned onto her side to face you and, with the help of the moonlight coming through the curtains just a little, she could see your face.

You looked so peaceful and cozy and she was happy that at least one of you was getting some good sleep.

Reaching out, she gently brushed her fingers along your cheek as she listened to you breathe.

You stirred at her touch as she moved her hand from your cheek and to your hand so she could grab it and hold it in hers.

But, eventually, your hand wasn't enough to hold.

She wondered if cuddling you would help her get to sleep.

That's something she's used to doing each night but, for some reason tonight, you fell asleep in a different position than usual.

That, and, until now, she didn't think of cuddling you because she was so restless that she didn't want to take the chance of waking you.

But she just couldn't resist.

Falling asleep with you in her arms is what she needs and she could use the comfort.

She was just about to let your hand go and snuggle close to you when you turned onto your stomach.

Letting out a sigh, she debated on what to do.

Sure, she could still cuddle you but it's not the same.

She loves cuddling you when she gets to feel your breath fan against her skin and she gets to kiss your forehead or your temple.

It's hard to do that when you're sleeping on your stomach.

She didn't want to wake you but she was desperate for some cuddles and some much-needed comfort from you.

So, hesitantly, she reached out and gently shook your shoulder.

"Y/N?" She whispered.

"Hm?" You mumbled as you lifted your cheek from the pillow. "Soojin?"

"Shh, yeah, baby. It's only me." She whispered as she brushed her hand along your back. "Can you roll over?"

"Yeah." You sleepily said as you turned onto your back.

"Good." She replied before pulling you into her embrace as soon as you were on your back. "Now I can cuddle my girl."

"Is everything okay?" You asked as you rubbed your eyes. "What time is it?"

"Don't worry about it, everything's fine. I just can't get to sleep so I figured some cuddles with my girl would help."

You cracked a sleepy smile before yawning.

"Is it?"

She nodded and kissed your forehead softly.

"Yes. It's helping already." She said as she held you a little tighter, her legs tangled with yours. "You truly are all I ever need."

You smiled again, right against her neck as you buried your face there.

"I love you lots. I'm sorry I woke you. You can go back to sleep."

"It's okay. I love you too." You spoke as you closed your eyes. "Will you be able to get to sleep? You'll be okay?"

For the first time all night, Soojin felt as though she truly would be able to get some rest now.

Her anxiety had faded completely and she could feel herself starting to get sleepy as your warmth and being able to hold you tight relaxed her.

"Yeah, baby. I'm going to be just fine." She assured before closing her eyes. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, my love. Sweet dreams." You whispered as you drifted off to sleep, happy that Soojin was finally able to do the same.

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