you visit her in the studio after a bad day (requested)

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You tried to blink away the tears that threatened to roll down your cheeks as you finally got into your car.

Your shoulders felt heavy from stress and after the bad day you had, you knew the only cure would be the comfort of Soojin's arms.

You reached for your phone, figuring you'd give her a call and tell her that you were gonna be on your way home in a few minutes, but you didn't expect to find a text from her already waiting for you to read as you turned on your phone.

"Sorry, but things came up and I won't be home till late. I love and miss you. Hope your day was good, baby."

You sighed and put your phone down before putting your head back against your seat. You needed her so terribly, nothing was gonna make you feel better like Soojin would.

You know she's busy, but at the same time you also knew you couldn't wait for her to come home. Who even knew when that would be? And she'd probably be so tired that she wouldn't be up for long.

So, in desperate need of her comfort, you drove off to the studio where she and the girls were at.

You arrived a few minutes later and rushed inside. You politely waved to the staff as your feet carried you as quickly as they could until you finally appeared in front of the door.

You knocked quietly and the door opened a few long seconds later. Minnie stood there, head turned as she talked with Soyeon and Yuqi before turning to you.

"Hey, y/n!" She smiled and hugged you tight. "Soojin didn't mention you coming by!"

She stepped aside and let you walk through the door. The girls were all gathered around chairs in the room. Soyeon was writing and the girls were talking as they took a break for what felt like the first time all day.

Your eyes quickly fell onto Soojin. You saw her lift her head as the door closed behind you and Minnie.

"Y/N!" She said excitedly and stood up to come to you.

She looked so happy to see you. With bright eyes and a sweet smile. But then the happiness dwindled a little as she noticed the sadness in your eyes.

"Are you okay?" She asked before you wordlessly threw your arms around her. "Oh, hey," she whispered softly and started to rub your back. "What happened, baby? What is it?"

"I had a bad day." You mumbled against her neck. "I just need you."

"I'm right here." She assured as she held you tight. "I know you're sad, but I'm happy to see you. You made my day better."

You smiled a little against her skin before lifting your head to give her a kiss.

"I'm happy to see you too. I missed you. I know I just saw you this morning when you kissed me goodbye but... I miss you."

"Oh, I miss you, too." She smiled happily before kissing your lips lovingly. "Come here," she said and tugged your hand, taking you along with her as she took a seat again and then brought you onto her lap.

"I'll make it better. Just tell me how. Tell me what you need."

"Just you." You mumbled. "Just need you to hold me."

"I've got you." She spoke softly and rubbed your back comfortingly, happy to hold you for as long as you wanted her to. "I won't let you go. I promise."

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