All alone... Chapter 2 -The Bullies-

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Yume is devasteted by the last evenements she can't believe she have to leave this place and break a promise.

Cindy: You are leaving in two days Yume Akko!!

Yume POV

How can I tell Naru I'm leaving..I will break my promise I can't do that..what do I do..*crying*

Yume calms down and goes to see her best friend Shynaru , he don't know what is happening and he feels that Yume is sad .

Shynaru: What is wrong Yume  you look down..

Yume:No I'm okay really don't worry Yume Akko is always happy!..

Shynaru: If you say so Yume ! ^^

A few hours later Yume is sleeping is her room Shynaru was about to go to bed but then.

?: *laughs* Shynaru don't you ever think you can avoid us..

Shynaru POV

We-wait what do I do Yume is not here..They will Beat me up until I bleed...n-no more hurt please...what did I do..

As soon Shynaru turns arround Damian Gives him a punch in the stomach, Shynaru try beeing strong but he start just suffering in silence without no one helping him..

Damian: Come on Max let's get out of here before we get caught.

Max: Coming .

Shynaru hardly walks to his bedroom, he locks his door and he just breakdown on the ground  he want to scream and cry but nothing , not a single sound goes out of his mount..

Then his vision start getting very blurry he didn't even realized he was bleeding a lot on his legs and his chest..

Shynaru feels very weak he can't get up as soon he close his eyes he won't wake up..he knows..

The next morning

Yume : *knocks* Shynaru? Are you awake breakfast is ready it's your favorite!

Not a single sound..the door is locked.

Yume is worried because Shynaru would been awake for awhile now she calls him again. No response..

She is now yelling his name and trying her harder to open the door...



Cindy just goes away and pick up a knife to unlock the door..

Yume: SHYNARU...!

Shynaru is just on the ground with bruises all over his chest and legs and he is bleeding from the right leg.

Cindy can't believe her eyes she don't even have a word for what she just saw without any hesitations she calls The ambulances..

Cindy: Hello?! Please come at the Beatwood Avenue at the adoption Center we have a Child that is inconsius...

?: Okay tell me where is he hurts and if he is still breathing we already have someone coming

Cindy: Yah he is still breathing but not that much..and he is bleeding from his right leg..I see he have a lot of bad bruises all over his chest..

? you know how this could have happened did he falled somewhere?

Cindy: I don't know..He was in his bedroom Since 9 Pm like usual..

?: do you think someone has beating him up?

Cindy: Maybe you're right..but I don't think any of the kid would beat him up he's an angel..!

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