Chapter 43 - You've Got A Friend In Me

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My next beach hut interview began the following morning after breakfast. I received a text that was underwhelming to the other Islanders, who thought the message to my phone was a challenge. Instead, I walked in solitude inside the villa and down the vacant hallway. The room looked and smelled just as it had the first week, with a slight vanilla fragrance and brightly colored pillows lining a comfortable teakwood couch. I took my seat and read the first of several questions. The first asked a very vague question about Charlie.

"The decision to forgive him was hard, but it was the right thing to do. People make mistakes. But we're still on a trial run to make sure he lives up to his promises, you know? I still care about him; that part of me never went away. No matter how angry or hurt I could be, I find myself just wanting to be around him. I think there's something special there." The second question discussed Noah.

"I try not to terrorize myself with the 'what if' questions. That only leads to overthinking. In the best-case scenario, Noah realized the same thing that I did and found himself an absolutely wonderful girl. Which won't be hard; he's the definition of a gentleman. And he deserves someone that he's known for more than a week." The monitor above the camera asked if I had any regrets with Ella.

"I should apologize to her, definitely. She never did anything wrong and has always been kind to me. I guess I got wrapped up in my feelings last night and didn't even think of hers, which is wrong. If she will make the time for me today, I'd want to talk to her."

The final question asked if Charlie would be my partner in the final. "Anything could happen, so I don't want to jinx it. But I'd like him to be my partner in the final. I mean, I think we're good together. We still have a lot to learn, but I'm excited to spend more time with him."

I smiled and stood to my feet, exiting the beach hut after what I would consider a successful interview. I stepped back into the garden and returned to my small group with Polly, Lucas, Charlie, and Peach.

"Just go over there," Polly was saying to Peach, gesturing to Gray and Julie.

"What's going on?" I asked, taking my seat beside Charlie. He tested the boundaries by slowly putting an arm around my waist. I accepted with a subtle shuffle toward him.

"It turns out that Julie's toxic overprotective tendencies toward Lucas are not an isolated event. She's guarding Gray now. I can't even say good morning to him without the risk of being bit," Peach explained. "And Polly, don't be hypocritical. You couldn't stand up to her either." Peach let out a playful giggle.

Polly sat forward. "Yeah, but it's much easier to tell someone else to do it! So I'm going to enjoy finally being on the sidelines." She smiled and looked over at Lucas' arm, then picked it up and put it around herself. "We're finally a couple, Lucas. Don't shy out now."

Lucas never looked happier, with his thin lips pulled into a genuine, tight smile that crinkled his eyes and his cheeks. "Sorry, Polly Pocket."

"Oh my gosh, I remember those!" I commented. "Those tiny little toys with rubber clothes!"

Charlie smiled fondly. "That rhymed. My older sister used to play with them. I chewed on the outfits."

"Ew!" Polly giggled into her hands.

"How'd they taste?" I teased.

"Mixed reviews. The blue overalls were a bit bland, but the pink dress had excellent texture," Charlie smirked. "What, you guys are gonna tell me you didn't chew some toys?"

Lucas thought for a moment. "I had a Littlest Pet Shop set when I was really young. I never chewed them, but I used to carry the penguin figurine everywhere with me. Even in school, he'd just be hanging out in my shirt chest pocket. He was my little buddy."

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