Chapter 61 - Finale Part 1

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"Good morning," a soft voice lulled me out of sleep. I fluttered my eyes open to see Charlie sitting on the bed next to me with two plates sitting on his lap. "Would you care to join me for breakfast in bed?"

"Absolutely." I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. As I looked around the room, I noticed that this was not an individual effort. All the boys had woken up early to prepare the girls a warm breakfast for the day ahead. My plate consisted of waffles, bacon, and exotic fruits piled along the edges. "This looks awesome, thank you." I leaned over and kissed his cheek.

Peach looked around with her plate in her lap. Though the bedroom lights hadn't yet turned on, the rising sun was enough to fill the room with a dim glow. "This room is so empty." Of the twelve beds, only three were occupied. "Doesn't it look weird? It feels wrong that the villa isn't packed."

"It's weird," Lucas confirmed. He grabbed a piece of bacon off his plate and crunched down on it. "Six people in the villa... unheard of."

"Yeah... remember when there weren't enough beds?" I laughed. "Oh god, and after Casa Amor..."

"The villa was full!" Peach exclaimed with a smile. "There were like sixteen Islanders here!" We reminisced on our past month in the villa. "Maddie, remember when we became partners in crime?"

"I sure do," I smiled.

Peach giggled and leaned forward. "And Polly was the first Islander I met."

Polly sliced happily into her waffles. "I remember that. I was so nervous because you're so beautiful. I immediately was like... what am I doing here?"

"C'mon, you're beautiful too." Lucas wrapped an arm around her while the other lifted pieces of bacon to his mouth. "And I knew it from the moment I saw you at the initial coupling. And I stole you from Charlie."

Polly's cheeks blushed. "And I'm really glad you did. Who's been coupled up with the most Islanders? Must be Maddie."

"Hey!" I laughed. "I don't think so? Three: Blake, Noah, and Charlie."

Peach thought for a moment before nodding. "Yeah, three for me, too. Charlie, Connor, and Gray."

Polly put her hand over her mouth. "Oh my gosh, me too! Charlie, Lucas, and David!"

Charlie smiled proudly. "Wow, looks like I'm a hot commodity. Yeah, I've been in four couples. Looks like I'm the villa slut." The guys laughed in response.

"Looks like I've got you guys beat. I've only been with Peach... and Julie, by default," Gray noted.

The bedroom LED lights flashed on, capturing every bit of darkness in the room. I blinked a few times to adjust my eyes to the lights and continued eating my breakfast.

Charlie's phone vibrated on the shelf, partnered with a subtle chime. He picked it up with his free hand and brought it to his face. "That's interesting. I've got a text."

"What does it say?" Polly asked.

"Islanders, are you ready to cross the finish line? Today you'll be spending your time writing your vows, which you will read aloud tonight before the final ceremony. #BetterThanWords #MoreThanAFeeling," Charlie read aloud and put his phone back on the shelf. "I'm a bit illiterate so I may need some help from the homeboys."

"We've got you," Gray said. "Especially Lucas. He's a real sweetheart."

"Aw shucks," Lucas smiled and waved off the compliment. 

I thought about the pressure of writing vows for someone I've only known for a month. Though intimidating, I was ready for the challenge. I finished the last of my plate and offered to take Charlie's to the kitchen.

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