Chapter 19 - The Second Recoupling

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The next morning, Peach returned to the villa as the rest of us were getting ready for the day. She walked into the dressing room in the same clothes as last night, hair disheveled and eyes puffy. The second she stepped into the dressing room, she was surrounded and pressed with interrogations.

"What happened? Did you guys have sex? What's the hideaway like?" Several of the girls questioned her at once.

Peach giggled and burst through the group with a smirk pressed into her lips. "The best friend gets to know first!" She announced, grabbing my arm and pulling me out onto the balcony. I took a seat on one of the couches as she carefully closed the door and made sure no one was pressing their ears to the glass. She took a seat across from me and folded her hands in her lap. "How was your night, Maddie?"

"Really, we're doing this? Okay, Peach, my night was pretty boring. And without you and Charlie there to give us a comedy show, I heard some very loud tongue wrestling matches across the room," I said.

"Gross!" She giggled and rolled her head back in laughter.

"Now are you ready to talk about it or..." I gently pressed her.

Peach glanced at the doors one last time before leaning in. "We didn't do anything."


"Absolutely nothing. When we started... it just didn't feel right," Peach scratched her head nervously. "Maybe it's too early, or the connection isn't there. He was really respectful, though. And I think he felt it, too. As soon as my excitement dropped, he backed away and gave me space. It just felt weird, you know?"

I did. I nodded and scooched closer to her. "That's okay, Peach! It's totally respectable. I mean, six days is not a whole lot of time, whether you're in Love Island or not. If you weren't comfortable, then you made the right decision."

Peach smiled weakly and wrapped me up in a huge hug. "Thanks, Maddie." She released and took a deep breath. "Charlie and I agreed that if people asked, we'd plea the fifth. Can you keep it a secret?"

"Of course!" I said and held up my little finger. "I pinky-promise you."

She giggled as she wrapped her pinky around mine. "I couldn't imagine being here without you."

"I know. At least we live on the same side of the country. We can visit each other!" I smiled.

"For sure! Chicago to Indianapolis, that's like, what, three hours?" Peach asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, it's not that far." I smiled to myself and looked over at the doors. "Ready?" I asked.

Peach nodded and lifted herself to her feet with a soft sigh. "As ready as I'll ever be." We walked through the balcony doors and into the dressing room. The rest of the girls sat around their vanities wrapped in their bikinis.

"So...?" Amelia discreetly prodded the unspoken question.

Peach raised her nose into the air. "Maybe we did. Maybe we didn't. Depends who you ask," she grinned and skipped into the bathroom.

Polly pressed her ear to the bathroom door. "She turned the shower on! They definitely had sex."

Katrina shook her head. "That's a correlation, not causation. She can shower in the morning without having done anything. Maddie, what'd she tell you?"

"Sorry, I'm sworn to secrecy," I said as I pulled out an outfit for the day.

"Oh, come on! I'm dying here!" Polly said. "Did she at least tell you what the hideaway looks like?"

"She didn't, actually. We can ask her later." I held a black bikini in my hands and went to the bathroom to try it on. Peach didn't hear me come in, so I decided to give her time to be alone and left quietly once my swimsuit was tied in place.

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