The continue

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Melody: Mom it's time
Evie: I know I am coming...
Melody: Great...
Evie: Where have we been...
Melody: Evie will go on a picnic with Carlos
Evie: oh yes...

(*Carlos text to Evie the place of the picnic)
Evie was returning to her room and there was Mal and Maleficent eating!
Mal: She is back! What happened?
Evie: We will go out in a while... For a picnic
Mal: seriously? That's my girl!
Evie: Yeah I know
Mal: Anyway we will leave and I will call you later... What are u gonna wear?
Evie: ok I have no idea
Mal: Need help?
Evie: I think I can handle it.
Mal: ok love! I will go and get some sleep!
Maleficent: me too!
Evie: see you girls
Mal: I love you!!!
Evie: love you too. Bye
Mal: bye

(*Evie start preparing and on time she went to find Carlos)

Carlos: You look amazing as always!
Evie: thank u!
Carlos: Hey are you ok?
Evie: Yeah sure (*she wasn't ok)
Carlos: Evie you can talk to me right?
Evie: Yeah... I know that!
Carlos: so why don't you just tell me what happened after you left my room?
Evie: Nothing happened I am just tired and I really wanna be with you!
Carlos: do u wanna get some sleep?
Evie: I will be ok eventually!
Carlos: oh come on eat something and we will go to my room
Evie: did you make them?
Carlos: yeah?
Evie: there are delicious!
Carlos: you might be very tired, it's just sandwich
Evie: Yeah I know, but I have never eat food from you.
Carlos: Oh ok!
Evie: yeah! Can I have one more?
Carlos: I made 10, so u can have many of them!
Evie: Great!!! There are great really
Carlos: thank you princess! So how was your day so far?
Evie: awful! I mean ok. Mal and Jay getting married and that's a reason for us to be happy! But still I don't know if I can handle everything today!
Carlos: Yeah... Why don't you call dizzy to help u?
Evie: Dizzy?
Carlos: Yes she is a small sweet child in our eyes, but she is very talented when it comes to beauty...
Evie: Maybe I tell her to come! How was your day?
Carlos: well I haven't the best sleep, Jay come very early. Can u believe that he is nervous about being married? I mean why? He is with Mal since forever...
Evie: Mal was ok in the morning... And yes I agree, they will be ok and they don't need to be nervous!
Carlos: look at me!
Evie: what?
Carlos: you have something.. something here! Ohh it's a ladybug 🤣
Evie: Aaaaaaaaa
Carlos: Listen to me it's not gonna hurt you!! Evie...
Evie: Tell me where is the thing?
Carlos: not in your hair anymore! Don't worry!
Evie: oh ok!
Carlos: So my princess is afraid of ladybugs 🤣
Evie: Well I am not...
Carlos: Oh really?
Evie: Yeah.
Carlos: fine...
Evie: I need to sleep!
Carlos: me too. Do u wanna come with me?
Evie: Well I can't go to my room, because of the wedding's preparations... So
Carlos: Come with me!

After 5 minutes they were in the castle:

Evie: thank you!
Carlos: for what?
Evie: for letting me sleep for a while!
Carlos: You didn't slept last night am I right?
Evie: Yes you are...
Carlos: why?
Evie: I was afraid!
Carlos: of what?
Evie: Of....(*Evie has already fall asleep)
Carlos: I will ask you later...

Carlos text to Jay:

Carlos: Something going wrong with Evie!
Jay: Not possible she is just tired of helping Mal with the wedding...
Carlos: No I don't think is that. She is ok with these situations...
Jay: let her sleep... I think she will be fine!
Carlos: I am worrying! She has never being like that before...
Jay: If something was going wrong she would tell to Mal.
Carlos: Why not to me?
Jay: You are her boyfriend! Girls sharing there personal staff with girls. Guys are like there partners on dancing... All girls do the same things!
Carlos: So you mean that she can't trust me?
Jay: I didn't say that! I mean that she can trust you on some things, but on others she prefers to tell Mal.
Carlos: Ok I will talk to Mal...
Jay: She is not gonna tell you!
Carlos: I am not gonna answer "tell me what Evie told you"
Jay: ok it's up to you!
Carlos: Yeah I guess you are right!
Jay: Anyway I will go to take a nap see you later bro!
Carlos: Ok bye!

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒆𝒈𝒊𝒏 𝑶𝒇 𝑨 𝑩𝒊𝒈 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 ᯾𝐵𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝑂𝑛𝑒᯾Where stories live. Discover now