「Don't you love overwhelming bittersweet?」

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A/N: this is still in dreams pov, just a reminder. also slowed hayloft is yummy smh, I love mother mother. hope you like this chapter, let me know if you want me to continue it lol. also every chapter is gonna be around 500-700 words. every 5 chapters they will reach 1000, or at least I will try my best to get that much in. so the first chapter I did was close to 1000, the fifth chapter would be the same.

He hesitantly inserts his key into the door of his apartment and opens it slowly, sighing when he saw his cat, Patches, lying on the window sill. The room was cold in contrast from the suffocating, sodden from outside, but the air burned his throat every time he took a breath in. Once he stepped a foot in, he placed his suitcases gently against the familiar wall. He chewed on the inside of his lower lip for comfort

Refreshed━he feels a sense of calming after looking at the musty-shaded mint green and brown, wooden walls, white drywall poking out in some places where the paint was chipped or where Patches clawed at. A familiar, comforting sight compared to the unknown ports of England, his monitor set-up untouched, a thin layer of dust littered across the screens. He had only been gone for a week, but it seemed as if he had been gone for months. He looked back at the small feline laying on the window and sat down at the edge of his bed. The quiet atmosphere was nice, but he started missing the comfort of his British friend. He grabbed his phone and took it off of airplane mode, having it blown up immediately. Notifications varying from Twitter asking where he is, to his friends just trying to talk to him. Sapnap had asked if he was ok and he had a single message from George saying,
"Hey," he felt a spew of emotions from reading.

Relief and anger.
 Frustration and yearning.

annoyance and━ .

He should probably reply, but he chooses to push himself backward, falling into a pile of bedding, pillows, and blankets. The previously well-kempt bed was ruffled into a scrunch that fitted onto Dream's frame, the bed frame creaked a bit from his movement.
It was all so bittersweet, like candied ash and rum, or burnt sugar. Like a roasted marshmallow with far too much char. Such a sweet caramel, but with the nauseating sensation of roadkill. He swallows it back though, resonating with the warmth the bed brings, the bitterness of the sweet slowly fading out to the dimness in his room.

 Carefully, he removes his mask, placing the black, velcro-ribbon onto a hook to keep from breaking. He has had this delicate, ceramic piece for the past year, professionally made to match the Youtooz he made and the fanart he often sees of himself. Patches occasionally reached and clawed at it━but Dream would always be there to shoo her away. He looks up at the ceiling, his eyes stinging with a sense of salt. Sea Salt and tension━a mixture of the two consumed his entire mindset. But then he realized the sea salt sense could have been the tear stains that latched onto his hoodie and his face. His cheeks flushed with irritation, his face burning from overwhelming upsetting emotions. He looks over at the hanging mask, eyebrows furrowing the longer he looks at it. Anger overcomes him, forcefully pushing the majority of other emotions to the side, taking up the most room. He grips at his coverings, gripping harder as he shuts his eyes to clear his head, only to no avail; until Patches sauntered over on top of his chest. He grabbed his phone and went to sapnaps contact on discord.
"You ok?"

Dream reads it again with slight confusion and a tremor, he thinks of a response; He doesn't know if he should be honest or if Nick already knows what happened, George most likely would have told him by now. Just the thought of George turned a switch into his mind, the amount of disrespect Dream had for him now. He simply replies, "Why do you ask?" with a smiley emoticon following. He shuts his phone off and sets it face down on the bed, turning over his body and plops his face into his pillow, the smell of tide laundry detergent wafted into his nose from the pillowcase. Nostalgic.

End of' chapter 

659 words

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