「fight or flight」

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there will most likely be author's notes at the beginning of all of these chapters, I hope you like this story!! I'm still not sure whether this is going to be a ship or platonic fanfic so don't expect and dreamnotfound but who knows--
this story is based heavily on a short comic I made, I might post some parts of it here but this story with go off of the comic.
AALSO PLEASE LISTEN TO THE SONG it's delicious, and Wilbur's music is severely underrated in a musical sense--
just please trust me it's so good aawufejdujaswxzjudwbvh LMFAO you can read now. I'm gonna put trigger warnings if there ends up being any so don't worry. though I don't this there will be any--



"No, George,"
A loud, declaring voice erupts as it echos off the walls of the large airport.
"You're not going to see my face!" the masked man shouted out to the short lad, George.
"But why, dream?" George questioned with a huff, a metallic distaste slowly ruining the innocuous atmosphere.


"We have known each other for more than 6 years now," he yelled in retaliation. 
"Do you not trust me?!" distress lined his sentences, his voice losing the honey that laced his words normally. The tension between the two was more apparent than the planes disembarking and boarding on passengers. The commotion causing most people to stare at them, said-culprits having no care of their disturbance to their surroundings.
The taller adds, "You know I trust you, you just wouldn't like it, I'm not ready!" he says, getting ticked by the second. He doesn't exactly like his face too much, hence the mask and no face reveal. His features are not attractive, of course in his opinion. Softer face, light freckles, and a smaller nose. Most people would actually find those traits attractive, even envying the Minecraft-Youtuber. honestly, not many people have received the luxury of seeing clay's face. A very short list which consists of: his parents, of-course━ schoolmates from when he was a child, sapnap, and rando's from public spaces from before he started covering his face. He managed to conceal himself to everyone he meets unnaturally well.


He takes a second to look at a board of flights.
 He was here for the reason of going back to Florida anyway, making sure this inconvenience didn't delay him from leaving. Clay was upset parting from the britt, but those emotions were ragged away when the fight started and George's stubbornness took over. His flight was boarding soon, he made his way to finishing this quarrel.


"I'm done with this, George, I have to go soon," he huffs angrily. He squeezes past George, his suitcase trailing behind with a rattle. George looks at him in sudden shock, not satisfied with the resolution to their fight. He takes a moment but decides to grab the back of the other's suitcase as he walks away, with a slight trudge. dream makes a sharp movement at the tug George made, turning a bit. In that moment, George had a terrible thought, he reaches for dreams mask, pulling it off with a swift movement. Before dream could realize and stop what was happening, his mask was off, his face was bare. For the first time in years, his face has been seen in public━cold━ He was baffled, his hand lay on top of the olders arm, staring at him. His eyes tear up with fury and shame as his stare turns to a glare.


"See, that wasn't so bad," George chuckles, taking in the image of the honey blonde's face. Quite attractive, his brain mentally screenshots this, now realizing how much he desired to see his friend's face. Dreams medium length hair curled nicely into a frame around his face, jade eyes with pine and emerald drizzling the edges like butter. Splotches of freckles danced and dotted his pale skin, slightly rosy cheeks; soft but sharp jawline contouring him, almost akin to a Greek sculpture. He definitely was proud at the moment, but then he sees the tears streaming down Clay's pale cheeks, a redness forming. The britt's own confidence gets tossed away into the nearby bin when he realized what he had done. Clay yanks the ceramic, smiley-faced mask from the other's hand, putting it back on. It now acted as a cover-up for the scrunched up expression that was plastered over his fair skin, trying his hardest not to sob aloud. He fights every urge of his to not slap George's face, knowing full well his actions would have been justified.


"Wait, dream I━"

He is cut off by his own will, letting the taller man go as the tears continued to drip down from under his mask, his nose sniffling in the stagnant air. He sighed solemnly as he watched the teardrops fall to the ground, staining the maroon carpet a darker shade.
George had never seen dream cry, not to mention ever expect it to happen before his eyes, in person. Of course, their departure ended sour, most good things come to an end but━ they didn't want it to happen. George would say they were both in the wrong, but he understands that he violated one of the people he holds dearly, now feeling absolutely terrible. He retreats to the parking lot, the air smelling of morning dew and sea-salt from the near-by shore as the sun was just finished rising, refreshingly different from the stale air inside. the sky was a light blue with hues of orange strokes shadowing underneath the skyline. He wished dream was there beside him, enjoying the heart-stirring sight. He wonders how their next interaction would be like━would they resolve their argument, or would they shun each other? He hoped it wouldn't be the latter.


Clay's stance appeared to weaken the further he walked, his lengthy height making him tremble with each shaky breath. The mixture of such strong emotions tingling his mind as he finally boards the plane, inevitably breaking down silently in his seat by the window, lucky enough to not have anyone sitting next to him. He followed the procedures to a safe trip, buckling up, phone on airplane mode, watching the plane safety video. When the plane lifted into the air, he took out his pocketed headphones and put on a Spotify playlist he downloaded. It was labeled "sad boy hours" he lets out a single, breathy chuckle because of what he named it. He would normally be more vibrant towards something silly he made, but he was exhausted━ physically and mentally.
The playlist consisted of varied artists and songs like Wilbur or S.A.D.! by XXXtentacion, quite ironically.  His mind cools down and his demeanor relaxes. He felt his eyes begin to droop as he succumbed to the sleepiness that followed after the sweet rumbling of the plane would bring, the wiring of the wind humming him to sleep. 





holy crap this was actually really fun to write! without the author's notes, this chapter is  almost 1000 words--
I'd like to say that this is an au, not my headcanons-  its kinda like dream is self-conscious, one of my friends asked me why he was so sensitive-
this story is based on dreams limited third-person pov, just to clarify, it will probably be like this in all chapters.
if you see any mistakes, please point them out and I will instantly fix them, or when I see your comment. hope you enjoy this story, and I hope you see the progress I have made from the first chapter of roses and violets, like oml, I'm not saying this is the best story in the world but I'm honestly proud of myself for the improvement!!! also, I would like to say, with the author's notes, there are 1309 words, I--
 I swear I write to much,
I'm so sorry--

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