He who is a slave to the truth is a free man

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"Let today be yet another day that serves your namesakes and your will. By Olitheon, let today be another day of Knowledge and Wisdom. By Nexon, let today be another day of Joy and Gratitude. By Intillia, let today be another day of Peace and Selflessness. And by Aredal, let today be another day of Truth and Justice. Aventa,"

Raising his palms to the air, the man dressed in a long, white and gold robe with a matching gold cap and pellegrina received thunderous applause from the crowd; in front of him, hundreds sat in long wooden pews. While a few near the front were dressed in ornate robes— not to dissimilar to his own —most were dressed in peasant's clothing.

In the front pew two young robed men, rose to their feet clapping vigorously. They wore simple white robes of the same cut as Okin's, although the man on the left, the older-looking one of the two, had a robe with golden cuffs and a golden collar.

Smiling widely, the two men continued to clap as the back half of the church began to leave their pews. The man leading the congregation bowed to the altar, and then walk away from the pews, exiting out a door behind the altar.

"Phew," the younger of the two men wiped away the sweat from his forehead. "I didn't think he could go on any longer Okin,"

"It wasn't that long, he didn't mince any words. Your father gave an amazing liturgy," Okin replied.

The younger man nodded. While it might have tricked others, Okin could tell it was half-heartedly. "Yeah, I guess it was good."

Previa, Previa, Previa, Okin thought to himself. For all the knowledge and opportunity he had been blessed with, Previa had never seemed to use them to their fullest. "To spread the universal word proficiently, you must listen to others who have done so before you. You're lucky to have such an inspiring father."

Nodding again, Previa n replied, "I've heard that enough as is. I don't need you piling on as well."

Walking out of the pew, the two men turned to a door that led to the area of the church behind the chancel, out of sight from anyone in the main hall. Closing the door behind them, the two men walked through a thin, plain hall, and into a small preparation room; Candles, robes, books and artifacts were all neatly organized in closets along the walls. The man who had led the congregation was there. Old and thin, he stood with good posture for his age, straight-backed and with hands clasped behind his back.

"Impalias Aldwin, that was a very powerful liturgy," Okin said, prompting the Impalias to give a warm smile in return.

"Thank you, Okin. I am honoured that you attended the congregation," Aldwin replied. Although he spoke with a typically stiff voice, there was something strange about the way he spoke today.

"Now, onto why I asked you here today," the Impalias said, looking at Okin. "As you probably remember, in two weeks it is the tenth anniversary of the death of Lionel Gruissem." Okin and Previa both nodded solemnly at the name. "I would love to return home to perform the ceremony myself, but unfortunately The Citadel needs me during this crucial time of integration. But, I am more than honoured to delegate the position to you, High Ather Okin. You have proven time and time again that you are a pious man, and wise above your years."

Okin bowed his head. "I am honoured that you have granted me this opportunity. I will give everything I have to honour this great man, on the anniversary of his union with the Gods."

"I am to join him, right?" the younger man looked at his father, the Impalias, with wide eyes.

The Impalias' smile faded. "No. Only one Ather is required to perform the ceremony, and you are needed elsewhere, Ather Previa."

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