Moving on is a simple thing, what it leaves behind is hard

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Liu waited on the steps of Mr. Iago's manor for Shi to arrive, the large sack of gold given to him by Iago resting in his hands. He ran to the gate as he heard the rumbling of galloping horses.

The soldiers, led by Shi, came to a stop in front of the gate. Shi smiled as he got off his horse, and Liu opened the gate for the inspector.

"How are you this fine morning, Liu?" Shi asked.

"Good, thank you," Liu replied. "Mr. Iago gave me his half of the payment," Liu said, holding up the envelope. "He said I should wait for you to arrive before going to the stables and picking a horse to ride to the academy."

"That is a bit unusual, but okay," Shi said, following Liu towards the stables.

"Have you seen Mr. Iago this morning? I expected him to be present."

"He gave me the envelope, and then said he had other things to attend to," Liu said.

Shi scratched his goatee. "Hm, quite strange indeed. Well, I guess we will pick out a horse and be on our way, then."

Liu entered the stables, along with Shi. He remembered that Iago had told him not to choose any of the horses on the far side, those were for breeding or selling.

Of the horses on the close side of the stable, there was a pearly white Trentanian stallion, a light brown Delmian stallion with white spots, a dark brown Farsunian mare, and a jet black Gaoleinian mare.

The black mare trotted towards Liu. His heart started racing, and part of him wanted to move away, but he decided to stay still and reach his arm out. The horse tucked its head underneath Liu's hand, and Liu gently petted the mare.

"Looks like you've found your horse," Shi said as he watched Liu pet the horses' mane. "A Gaoleinian, the horse of an Imperial soldier."

Liu opened the gate and took the horses' lead, and the two continued back to Mr. Iago's manor. Shi's guards waited on their horses. Shi held open the gate as Liu led his horse outside. Liu grabbed the horn of the saddle to mount his horse, but stopped as he heard his name.

"Liu! Wait!" Liu turned around to see Iago running towards him frantically.

Mr. Iago reached out an envelope. "Here. Your payment for last week." Liu looked down at the thick envelope, and then slowly pushed it towards Mr. Iago's chest.

"Keep it, Mr. Iago. You have given me something much more valuable, something I will always remember you for."

Mr. Iago rushed in and hugged Liu, a small tear coming down his left cheek. Liu remained unmoved. After several seconds, Iago finally released his arms. Liu awkwardly got up on the mare and clutched the reins.

"You will do very great things Liu, I know it. I hope one day you come back to the farm and tell me about all the great things you have done."

"I promise I will, Mr. Iago. Although, I'm not a very good storyteller." Iago smiled wholeheartedly and wiped away the tears from his face.

"Goodbye, Mr. Iago."

"Goodbye, Liu."

Iago watched as Shi and his men, followed by Liu, rode down the road from the property. And Mr.Iago smiled and wept as the black mare finally disappeared past the horizon.

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