A leopard can't change its spots

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Billy was dragged into the chapel, each arm locked by a guard. They dragged him and Damian like rag dolls down the aisle.

Billy craned his neck up. There were around two dozen people spread across the church pews, and they all ogled at him.

I probably know some of these people. They've all come here to watch me like I'm some animal.

Billy vaguely remembered this building, mostly by the smell of burning wax. The rectangular glass windows shone in light from the Northeast, making the front of the church much brighter than the back, and the righthand pews illuminated while the leftside sat in the dark. Up above, staring down at him was that same man in the town square, and through him shone the sunlight which lit up the altar— and he was there.


He looked older— of course, Billy did as well— but he was still the same. It was honestly surprising that Okin recognized him— although he pretended not to even know him, which just confirms he did— but it was clear that the Ather was the same boy Billy had grown up with. His hair was cut the same-—short, but not shaved, equally straight and long all around. He had the same dignified mannerisms and pious nature.

Okin stood in between two other robed men, one rather muscular for an Ather, with two grey caterpillars above his eyes, and a matching one covering his lips. The other was a young, clean shaved man, whose light blue eyes met Billy's, and then quickly darted away. Okin's eyes also met Billy's, and his expression stayed stoic and unmoved.

Does he have amnesia or something? Or is this just an act?

The guards thrust Billy into the right side pew, breaking his stare. The caravan all squeezed awkwardly into the front pew, Billy and Damian sandwiched in between one guard on each side. Billy squirmed, trying to give himself more legroom; the guard had ample space on his right side, but was intent on keeping the gap tight.

Okin raised his voice after they had settled.

"People of Metheno, it is with a heavy, but hopeful heart that I am here today. I had come to give respects to a man on the day of his Half Decadem, and was shocked to find that the alleged killers of the fallen had returned to our great city on this very day. I say our, because I myself actually grew up in Metheno."

The small groupings in the pews looked to each other as to see if anyone knew who this Ather was, although if they did, it would have only been as a child. Most if not all the guests appeared to be the same age or older than Okin.

"I, High Ather Okin, will be the head judge of this court proceeding, and alongside me are High Ather Minos and Ather Lissom, who will also be judges," Okin said, turning to Billy. "By Aredal, who ensure that all are met with the Justice they deserve, may we find the Truth behind the death of Lionel Gruissem."

Billy cringed. The 'judgement' of the so-called Gods was just a ploy to make the Athers unquestionable.

"Aventa," the audience and the Athers said in unison.

Okin opened a small book, reading for a few seconds before he asked his first question.

"Do you confirm that you are Billy Gruissem, the only son of Lionel Gruissem of Metheno?"

Billy nodded. "Yes. Sir."

Okin raised an eyebrow before turning to Damian for his next question. "And do you confirm that you are commonly referred to as Damian, and although you had no surname on record, lived with Lionel Gruissem for a portion of your childhood?"

Damian nodded. "Yes."

"Would you consider Lionel Gruissem to be your surrogate father?" Okin asked.

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