First Day of School

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The 5 all sat in Remedial Goodness 101 with Fairy Godmother.

"If someone hands you a crying baby, do you, A, curse it? B, lock it in a tower? C, give it a bottle? Or D, carve out its heart,"Fairy Godmother asked.

Evie raised her hand and Fairy Godmother called on her.

"What was the second one,"Evie asked.

"Oh, okay,"Fairy Godmother asked,"Anyone else? Mal?"

 "C, give it a bottle,"Mal said, looking up from her drawing.

"Correct. Again,"Fairy Godmother said.

"You are on fire, girl,"Carlos said.

"Just pick the one that doesn't sound like any fun,"Jeanie said, having figured out Mal's strategy.

A girl walked in, squeaking as she passed by the vk's.

"Oh. Hello, dear one,"Fairy Godmotehr said. 

"Hi. You need to sign off on early dismissal for the coronation,"The girl said. 

"Everyone here remembers my daughter, Jane,"Fairy Godmother said. 

"Mom, no,"The girl said. 

"It's okay. Jane, this is everyone,"Fairy Godmother said. 

"Hi. That's okay, don't mind me,"Jane said, leaving,"As you were."

"Let's continue,"Fairy Godmother said,"You find a vial of poison. Do you, A, put it in the king's wine? B, paint it on an apple? Or C, turn it over to the proper authorities?"

Carlos and Jay both shot their hands up, Jay pushing Carlos's down so Fairy Godmother called on him.

"C. You turn it over to the proper authorities,"Jay said cockily.

"I was gonna say that,"Carlos said. 

Jay and Carlosa started bickering, Jay wrestling Carlos onto the table.

"Boys. Boys,"Fairy Godmother shouted, catching their attention,"I am gonna encourage you to use that energy on the tourney field."

The coach blew the whistle, signalling the start of the game. 

Jay immeadiatly started running, picking up the ball and knocking down defense members. 

He ran through the kill zone, dodging the rockets being launched at him.

Jay jumped over Carlos, about to score when another played snatched ball from him and started running in the opposite direction. 

Jay followed the played, attempting to get the ball away from them, but failing before the other player shot the ball. 

The coach had them run it again, Jay getting the ball and this time scoring. 

"You two,"The coach said pointing at Jay and the other player,"Get over here!"

They ran towards the coach who said,"What do you call that? I call that raw talent. I want you both on my team."Jay nodded, his helmet already off. 

The other player removed their helmet, hair toppling out and revealing Jeanie. 

"Who are you,"The coach asked. 

"Jeanie,"Jeanie said,"From the Isle."he

"Tourney is for guys,"Chad said,"How about you join cheerleading or something?"

"Chad,"The coach said,"You're both on the team. Come find me later. I'll show you something you haven't seen before. It's called a rule book."

Then he looked over at Carlos. 

"You ever thought about band,"The coach asked. 

"I'll work with him coach,"Ben said. 

"All right, get to the locker room,"The coach said. 

Jeanie left the girls locker room and immeadiatly two arms behind her lifted her up nd spun her around. 

"Jay, put me down,"Jeanie said. 

Jay laughed, setting her down and she turned to face him. 

"You were great out there,"Jay said,"Why didn't you tell me you wanted to try out?"

"Didn't know what you would say,"Jeanie said. 

"I'm glad to be on a team with you,"Jay said,"You're the best player out there."

"I know,"Jeanie said, starting to walk away. 

"What, you aren't gonna compliment me back,"Jay called after her. 

"No need to feed your ego,"Jeanie said,"You coming or what?"

Jay raced after her. 

Jeanie and Jay walked into the girl's dorm, sporting their new tourney jerseys.

"Did your plan work with Jane,"Jeanie asked,"Are you going over to see the wand?"

"Do you think that I would be going through every single spell in this book if I hadn't completely struck out,"Mal asked.

"Oh, someone's in a bad mood,"Jay said.

"My mom's counting on me! I can't let her down,"Mal said.

"We can do this... If we stick together,"Jay said.

"And we won't go back until we do,"Mal said,"Because we're rotten..."

"To the core,"The other four finished.

"Oh, yeah. I found out that fairy godmother blesses Ben with the wand at coronation and we all get to go. I have nothing to wear, of course,"Evie said, everyone staring at her,"What?"

There was a knock at the door.

"Hold that thought,"Mal said, getting up to open the door and find Ben.

"Hey, Mal. I didn't see you guys today,"Ben said,"I was just wondering If you had any questions or anything... That... you needed..."

"Not that I know of,"Mal said looking around at the other's who shrugged.

"Okay. All right,"Ben said,"Well, uh, If you need anything, just, uh..."

"Oh, wait,"Mal interrupted,"Um, is it true that we all get to go to your coronation?"

"Yeah, the whole school goes,"Ben answered.

"Wow. That is beyond exciting,"Mal said,"Do you think that It's a possibility that the five of us could stand in the front row next to the Fairy Godmother, just so we could soak up all that goodness?"

"I wish you could,"Ben said,"Up front It's just me, my folks, and my girlfriend."

"And your girlfriend,"Mal repeated.

"Yeah. I'm sorry,"Ben said."

"Okay. Thanks, bye,"Mal said.

"Oh, but, no, there's plenty of..."Ben started but was cut off when Mal shut the door.

She turned back to face the group. 

"I think It's time that Bennyboo got himself a new girlfriend,"Mal said,"And I need a love spell."

A/N: So, Jeanie is on the tourney team because girl power!

Originally a lot of this book was not following the script, and I have decided to follow the script a little bit more this time, but I will be occasionally changing stuff up and adding scenes.

I actually need some help from you guys. 

Originally, the way I had Jay and Jeanie kind of end up together was kind of stupid. 

How do you think they should admit their feelings? And when should that happen? 

It can be waiting until the later movies or sometime in this movie. Please help me by commenting ideas!


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