Jeanie's Past

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Jeanie couldn't sleep. 

She heard something hitting the window, but knowing it was Jay, she decided to wander around the school. 

She rounded a corner and bumped into someone. 


"Eli,"Jeanie said,"What are you doing up?"

"I could ask you the same question,"Eli said,"I got up to get water."

"Oh,"Jeanie said. 

"Is everything alright,"Eli asked. 

"I just, can't sleep,"Jeanie said. 

"Something on your mind,"Eli asked,"If you wanted to talk, I'm a pretty good listener."

"I'm scared I guess,"Jeanie said,"I don't think I belong here."

Eli didn't say anything, letting Jeanie continue. 

"On the Isle, I lived with the Tremaine's, but they just used me as a servant,"Jeanie said,"My real parents are from Auradon, but they didn't want me so they gave me up."

"That's awful,"Eli said. 

"And now I'm in Auradon, and I've realized that I don't belong in either place,"Jeanie said. 

"You know, you're not the only one who feels like they don't belong sometimes,"Eli said,"Not trying to make your situation any less meaningful and hard, but I can relate. I'm different too."

Jeanie looked at him, and raised her eyebrows. 

"Alright,"Eli said,"Here it goes."

Eli lifted his hands and made streams of ice and snow dance around them. 

"Woah,"Jeanie said,"How are you doing that?"

"I have ice powers,"Eli said,"They run in the family."

"Awesome,"Jeanie said. 

Eli made the snow and ice disapear. 

"If you wanted to,"Eli said,"I think I could help you find your parents."

Eli led Jeanie into the library and towards the back where there were shelves of books. 

"Record books, everyone born in Auradon has one,"Eli said. 

He pulled one out and pressed his palm on it, the book flipping open. 

Prince Elijah of Arendelle

Son of Queen Elsa of Arendelle

Inherited ice powers

Eli shut the book and put it back into it's spot. 

"Only you can open your record book,"Eli said. 

They headed down to the J's, looking along the spines. 

"Jeanne,"Eli asked. 

"Maybe,"Jeanie said as Eli pulled out the book. 

Jeanie placed her hand on the top and it flipped open. 

Princess Jeanne of Agrabah

Daughter of Queen Jasmine and King Aladdin of Agrabah

Gifted with the powers of a genie

"I'm a princess,"Jeanie exclaimed,"I'm the daughter of Jasmine and Aladdin. And I have magic!"

"Look at this,"Eli said, pointing at the next page where an article was. 

The Agrabah princess was stolen from the palace only a week after she was born. 

"Your parents didn't give you up,"Eli said,"Someone took you."

"Who,"Jeanie asked. 

They flipped the page, a couple moving images of Jeanie as a baby, then a moving image of the Isle. 

After that the rest of the pages were blank, until they flipped to the back where images started again. 

These pictures were of Jeanie in Auradon, with the VK's. 

"Why was all of the middle blank,"Jeanie asked. 

"The records don't record anyone on the Isle because of the barrier,"Eli said,"When you crossed through the barrier, it stopped recording, and now that you're back in Auradon it's recording again."

"So my parents didn't give me up,"Jeanie said,"But why wouldn't they go to the Isle to get me back."

"You're the only one who can access the record book,"Eli said,"They wouldn't have known that's where you were taken. Besides, no one was supposed to be able to get out of the barrier, but somehow, someone did."

"Can I take the book,"Jeanie said,"To look out."

"Yeah,"Eli said,"But we should probably get out of here before someone catches us."

Jeanie ended up back at her dorm, looking through the record book again with the moonlight. 

She was the daughter of Jasmine and Aladdin. 

Jafar's sworn enemies. 

That meant in a way, she was Jay's sworn enemy. 

She lifted the genie lamp out of the door, running her hand over it. 

It was definitely genie's from the story. 

Did she have a lamp?

How did she get her powers?

How did she get freed and still retain her powers?

She didn't even know how the powers worked. 

She read over the article again. 

Who would have stolen her and brought her to the Isle, and why?

Her first suspect was Jafar, for revenge on her parents but then why had Jafar let her hang around Jay. 

She always looked to Jafar as sort of a father figure, and he used to call her the daughter he had always wanted. 

She had always wanted Jafar to take her in, to live with him and Jay instead of the Tremaine's.

If she told Jay, he would hate her. 

And Jeanie knew her heart couldn't take that. 

A/N: So Jeanie is the daughter of Jasmine and Aladdin. I'll be exploring her magic more in the next part of the book. 

Oh and Eli! Eli is one of my favorite characters that I've created for this book, other than Jeanie of course.

So who's your favorite character so far?


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