Life in Auradon

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Jeanie was sitting on her bed working on homework while Evie fitted Mal for her dress,

"Oh! Okay, Evie, I cannot breathe,"Mal said.

"Well, you can breathe after Cotillion,"Evie said.

"Well, I sincerely doubt that,"Mal said,"I have at least 20 more events directly behind it, and I can't even remember what a single one of them is."

"Do you guys ever think about what we'd be doing if we were back on the Isle right now,"Mal asked. 

Jeanie looked up from her work and shook her head.

"That's funny,"Evie said,"Ah! Look who's on TV."

Evie and Mal moved towards the TV, Jeanie looking over at it with them.

"As the royal couple continues their tour of the kingdom, they dined with Aladdin and Jasmine. Six months ago..."

Jeanie forced herself to look away from the tv and refocus on her work. 

"No one thought King Ben and his girlfriend from the wrong side of the bridge would last. Mal must be counting the days until the Royal Cotillion... when she will officially become a Lady of the Court."

Mal rushed to her bed and pulled out her spell book. 

"I know Mal's secret to fitting in, and Ben wouldn't like it one bit,"Evie said,"Haven't you guys had enough secrets between the two of you already?"

"Evie, you remember what I was like before I started using my spell book,"Mal said,"I mean, I was a complete disaster."

"She was,"Jeanie noted. 

"Well, personally, I strongly believe that this spell book,"Evie said snatching the book from Mal,"It belongs in the museum, along with my mirror. Don't give me the face. Put the pout away. Mm-hmm. You know I'm right."

"You guys don't ever miss running wild and just breaking all the rules,"Mal asked.

"Like stealing and lying and fighting,"Jeanie asked. 

"Yeah,"Mal said.

"No,"Evie said,"Why would we? Look at where we are. We're in Auradon! And we're Auradon girls now."

She led Mal back over to the TV where Mal was enjoying strawberries with Ben.

"See, this is the land of opportunity. We can be whatever we want to be here,"Evie said,"So, please, let's just leave the past in the past, okay?"

"She's right M,"Jeanie said. 

"I thought you were on my side,"Mal said. 

"I'm not on anywone's side,"Jeanie said,"But I think Evie's right about leaving the Isle beind us."

"Thank you,"Evie said,"Now, we have to get to class."

The five of them walked through the school halls.

"Hi, Jay." "Jay." "Hi."

Every single girl they passed greeted Jay, and he greeted them back with a simple 'Hey' or with a smile. 

"Why do you torture them? Just pick someone to take to Cotillion already,"Carlos said.

"I'm going solo. That way, I can dance with all of them,"Jay said. 

Jeanie rolled her eyes as she walked behind them with Mal and Evie. 

"Ah! You're the expert,"Carlos said,"Um, Jay... if you were gonna ask someone, what's the best way to go?"

"Listen, all you got to do...,"Jay said," look like me."

"Mal,"Jane said walking up to them. 

Carlos started talking to her. 

"I've gotta go,"Jeanie said to the girls before heading. 

She was halfway away from the group when she heard. 


She stopped walking and waited for Jay to catch up to her. 

"Hey,"Jay said falling into step next to her. 

"Hi,"Jeanie said.

"So listen, about Cotillion,"Jay started. 

"Eli,"Jeanie said, calling the boy over. 

"Hey Jeanie,"Eli said,"Hey Jay."

Jay nodded. 

"I was wondering if you wanted to work together on the history project,"Jeanie asked.

"I'm gonna head out,"Jay said before leaving. 

"What history project,"Eli said,"We don't have a history class together."

"There's no history project,"Jeanie said.

"Ahh, you needed to use me as a distraction,"Eli said,"What's up? Is it Jay?"

Jeanie nodded. 

"Do you want to talk about it,"Eli asked. 

"Jay told me he liked me,"Jeanie said. 

"And you don't like him back,"Eli asked. 

Jeanie didn't respond. 

"And you do like him,"Eli tried. 

"I don't know,"Jeanie said,"But now that I know who my parents are it makes everything so much harder."

"Why,"Eli asked. 

"Jay, he's the son of Jafar. And I used to hang out with the two of them a lot, they were family,"Jeanie said,"But now I'm the daughter of their sworn enemies."

"That doesn't matter,"Eli said,"Just look at Evie and Doug."

"I just,"Jeanie said,"I can't like Jay."

"It's okay if you do,"Eli said,"Really Jeanie, it's okay."

A/N: Soon we're going to be on the Isle and meeting a couple more orignal characters of my creation. 

Who are you hoping to see. 


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