Her Reason(s)

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Where we left off...

Trey's P.O.V

When I walked inside of the room, my heart skipped a beat. I was speechless, I just didnt know what to do. Why did she come back? I had too much to ask her but she seemed to be sleep so Im going to let her rest.

I hurried to put on my extra pair of sweats (because I had let Kaliana use a pair), turned off the lights, and crawled into bed. I stared at Kaliana through the darkness in the room. I kissed her forehead and began to slowly fall asleep...

Where we continue...

Kaliana's P.O.V

I woke up on my side facing the alarm clock in Trey's room. 8:43 am. I turn, expecting to see Trey laying there. But he wasnt. He's usually still sleep by this time. I sit up, looking around the room, then decided to get out of bed to walk down stairs. As I began to go down the steps, a nice pancake scent swarm aroind me. It smells more than delicious. I was literally drooling inside of my mouth just by the sent, i cant wait to see what else is being cooked right now.

I creep around the corner to peek in the kitchen to see Trey standing over the stove top scrambling some eggs in a pan. I took a seat quietly without trying to draw any attention and watched him stir. He turned around and literally almost dropped the pan.

Trey's P.O.V

So many questions ran acrossed my head at once when I turned around and saw Kaliana sitting there ant the table. I stared at her for about two minutes trying to come up with something to say or asked before I realized she was talking. "Trey? Treeey??," She snapps at me. "Oh, uh, yeah?" I responded. "Isnt that handle hot?" I started cussing up a storm because I didnt even notice that the handle was so hot from the stove. I looked at my hand and seen so many blisters from the heat. "Here, let me help," Kaliana came over with a towel and some bandages to put on my hand. " Nah, I...I dont want your help. " I said, backing away from her and sucking on a blister lightly, which was not helping. " Come on please, let me help you Trey" she cane walking towards me again, moving around the table. " Why do you want to help m- AAH!" One of my blisters popped when I placed my hand on the table. Kaliana began to pat on my blisters with the towel to, what did she say, 'To take out the puss' . " Why do you want to help me anyways?" I asked her. She just looked at me like she didnt want to answer. " Why dont you have your bandages on your side?" She asked me. "I asked you a question first, dont ask a question in responce." She finished putting on my bandage on my hand and stood next to me. " I came back because I don't know where I am..." Kaliana claims. " That I don't believe. " I said back to her. She looked at me with the most shocked face. I tried to clarify myself, " You could have asked a stranger where you were." She stared at me for the longest and then walked into the living room onto the couch. Why the hell she just walk away??

I walk into the living room to hover over her. " You going to answer my question or no?" She didn't even look at me, just looked at the front door. " If you want to leave, you should have left last night." I walked away back into the kitchen to go eat, now, MY breakfast. I was just about to sit down when, "I came back for you."

Kaliana's P.O.V

"I came back for you." I said still looking at the front door. I heard foot steps coming my way but I still didn't shift my head to look at him. "What did you say?" He asked in shock. "I said, I came back for you..." I was kind of scared of his reaction, why? I don't even know myself honestly. He took at seat next me me on the couch and I finally turned to him. He was so handsome, with a natural innocent but bad boy look on his face. " Why? Why for me?" He asked, leaning as if he was interested in what I had to say. " I um.... I care about you. U tried to hurt yourself enough times for me to tell that you need someone to take care of you." He was really quiet and had a confuse look on his face as if he didn't understand what I was saying. " But I was serious when I said I didn't know where I was." He chuckled when I said that. He's smile is...is beautiful. Ugh, I don't know why I'm even thinking about him like this! He kidnapped me! Took me from my home! Raped me! Tears are racing down my face like crazy. Then I feel a warm hand on my back causing me to flinch. I think I scared him a little because he kind of backed off from me. "Why are you crying?" I didn't want to tell him why, I didn't want to creep him out about my feelings for him. But, maybe if I do tell him, I won't have to keep thinking about it everyday, everynight, in my dreams, It's not an obsession, It's just a hard core crush... maybe...

"I think the reason I came back is because I might be falling for you." I looked away from him and moved him way from me. " Feelings? For me? " he asked with a dumbfounded expression. " No Trey. For your sweats. " I chuckled lightly. I wasn't in the laughing mood. Not at all. I felt dumb. He probably doesnt even feel that way, why would he?? He has been holding me hostage for two, maybe three months now and showed no signs, of guilt, a little but emotion, no.

He got off the couch and stood in front of me. He then lifted me up from the couch and wiped my tears from my face with his thumbs. " I felt that way for a while now, I feel bad about everything I did to you, your eye, your rib, Kaliana, Im so sor-" "no its okay" I interrupted him. I wasn't upset anymore. I felt good. I was actually blushing. I grabbed his hands from my face just to hold them. "No, It's not okay. I hurt you physically. Your a beautiful young girl, you dont deserve to b-" I then crashed my lips into his. I dobt knkw what got into me so i stopped myself. He looked at me in shock. Next thing you know, I was up against the wall...


OMG! What did he do???! Next chapter! Go find out!!!


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