18. the gas station

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the gas station.

"Here's your key."

Angeline avoided eye contact with Evan as the blond boy grabbed the room key off of the reception desk Mitch had slid across. Not so subtly, he shot Angeline a wink as he put it away.

Mitch raised his brows, but didn't wait around for Angeline to react. Instead, he shot Evan a deathly stare and grabbed Angeline's arm, pulling her and their belongings out of the disgusting motel.

Mitch said nothing until they got into the car.

"Why did he wink at you?" Mitch demanded.

For a moment, Angeline thought about lying to Mitch. That was, until she realised how much it would piss him off and how much she didn't really like him right now.

"Probably because I made him cum last night," Angeline shrugged nonchalantly, staring at the dashboard. "And then he made me cum too. Like, a mutual thing."

Mitch's knuckles whitened around the steering wheel. He hadn't moved out of the carpark yet.

"Don't fucking piss me off," Mitch growled, "Tell me the fucking truth."

"That's the truth," Angeline said carelessly. "I had sex with him to relieve some... pent up frustrations, let's say."

"You think it's a joke?" Mitch seethed, grabbing her wrist before she could tuck her hair behind her ear. She was forced to look him in the eyes. "You think we're on some cute little road trip, Angeline? Getting to the end of this is the difference between life and death."

"So you get to get your dick sucked but I can't get my pussy—"

"Be quiet!" Mitch practically roared, tugging her wrist harshly again. "Be quiet. I could easily leave you for dead, Angeline. Easily."

Angeline swallowed thickly and tugged her arm out of his grasp. "Then do it. I'd rather be dead then spend more time with you."

It wasn't true. Angeline wouldn't rather be dead, and the way that Mitch's face went blank afterwards made her want to take it back. He didn't look sad or angry, he just turned away from her and exhaled loudly through his nose. His hands found the wheel again.

"You need to start showing me some respect," Mitch said quietly. "Then maybe I'll show you some as well."

"You've been awful to me, Mitch," Angeline hissed in a whisper. "My entire life has just flipped upside down and you've been nothing but hostile and rude to me."

"I'm not supposed to be friendly and lovable—"

"No, but you could try being a little sympathetic," Angeline glared, "I did nothing wrong for the first few hours. I can admit I've taken things too far sometimes, but I'm hurt, Mitch."

Mitch didn't say anything as the car pulled out of the car park. He didn't even look at Angeline for the next few hours. Not until he had to pull up at another gas station.

"What do you want for breakfast?" He grumbled.

"Surprise me," Angeline huffed as she continued to pick at her nails.

Mitch rolled his eyes and made sure to slam the car door behind him, his figure wandering into the gas station less than thirty feet away. Angeline sighed, feeling as though she could finally relax and spread her limbs.

Unbuckling her seatbelt, she kicked her legs up onto the dashboard and leaned back in the seat, hoping to maybe fall asleep so she didn't have to deal with Mitch when he got back from paying for gas and buying them some food for the day. Like normal, she'd probably get a fruit pot and some yogurt for breakfast, an apple too if they had them free.

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