30. crybaby

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Screams of pain echoed throughout the room Angeline was inside. She was pretty sure, through her hazy and tear-blurred vision, she saw one of the men guarding the room visibly wince at one of her first cries. It was piercing and loud, like hearing a child scream. Angeline wasn't aware she had the ability to scream so badly, but she couldn't help it with the amount of pain she was in.

She felt like she was going to be sick as Williams carved into her forearm behind her back. Yet again, she'd been flung into the chair and tied to it. They'd stuck a huge t-shirt back over her body and, in a very humiliating fashion, pulled a pair of underwear up her legs, but it was soaked to the brim by cold water, making her tremble.

"Stop! Stop! Please!" Angeline howled, thrashing about.

Hot, thick blood dripped down her wrists, past her fingers and onto the ground. She could feel it, but she couldn't see it. It was a huge contrast to the icy water. Angeline was pretty sure he was writing something into her forearm, but whatever it was, she couldn't make it out. Whether she made it out of here alive or not, she was going to have some very ugly scars to remember it by.

"The codes, Angeline!" Williams growled, "Give me the codes, and I'll stop all of this right now."

"Please!" Angeline sobbed, ignoring him - giving him the codes wasn't an option. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Angeline didn't know why she was apologising, but it felt like a natural reaction. She just wanted the hot flashes of pain and the dragging of the blade to stop. She tried not to thrash too much, terrified he'd go deeper than intended and make her bleed out, but at the same time, death didn't sound too bad right now.

"How about I guess, huh? Does it start with A? B? C?"

In a fit of rage and pain, Angeline spat, "It starts with: fuck you, you fucking wanker."

After all, she figured the pain couldn't get any worse than this. She was wrong. Williams' hand that wasn't holding the knife moved to squeeze her arm, causing her to attempt to kick out her tied legs and more screams to tumble past her raw, broken throat.

"The only way that mouth is going to get you out of here alive, Angeline, is if it's giving me the codes," he replied harshly. "I'm done with your little branding anyway."

She felt him release her, but she was still crying softly at the pain as he walked in front of her, crouching back down slightly.

"Maybe I should start cutting off your fingers now," he muttered, "We're running out of time."

Angeline began to cry harder. "I hope you fucking die the most painful fucking death," she spat.

Williams laughed loudly, thoroughly amused. "Aren't you just the cutest?" He turned towards his men. "Let's get a table over here, yeah?" He looked back at her. "It's a lot easier to cut off fingers on a hard surface."

Angeline knew that he most likely was done with all of the threats. She had realised that when he had beaten her naked body and then carved letters into her arms, letters that she had yet to see. Maybe she'd die without knowing them. That would be good.

Her whole body ached. She tilted her head back, staring up at the ceiling and feeling hot tears cascade down. People were moving around her, setting up a table she was pretty sure, but Angeline tried to block them out. Her brown eyes burned above, nearly blank, her heart pounding. She could feel it pulsating in her wound. A reminder that she was alive and breathing. Surviving.

CRYBABY | mitch rapp ✔️Where stories live. Discover now