
My ear perks when I hear the doorbell chime signaling somebody has entered the café. We were unusually busy today, and I felt like I hadn't caught a break yet. I worked at a small café that was barely on anyone's radar so we usually only had two servers on staff and one hostess. For some reason today just would not let up and there had always seemed to be someone waiting for a table.  I knew my shift ended in about an hour and that it was my last shift at the café so I was starting to feel a little less annoyed as the time passed. 

I was busy clearing a table when a bump in my hip almost knocked me over. My hands caught the table before I could fall face first into it and with wide eyes I turned to see my best friend standing there with the biggest grin.

"Jesus Cami, what the fuck was that for?" I squeaked with wide eyes.

"Don't look now but he's here. The odd guy who always used to sit in the back corner, he's back Star. And he asked to sit in your section," she smirked at me while resting a hand on her hip.

My heart jumped and for a split second I felt the air leave my lungs. He came back. He actually came back. That last day he came, about three months ago, he told me he had to leave for awhile. I wanted to ask why but what did this man truly owe me? I barely knew him. He was just always there. For almost five months he would show up, ask to sit in my section, order a small cappuccino and leave a massive tip after sitting and writing in his journal for hours. We would make small talk here and there, but I could never figure him out. He always came in wearing a hat and glasses, like he had something to hide or someone to hide from. I never tried to stare too hard because most of his features were concealed by his hat and hoodie, but I could see his smile clear as day. And damn if it wasn't a beautiful smile. He peaked my curiosity when after the third time of seeing him in my section I found out he was specifically requesting me as a server. It confused me and intrigued me, but I tried to mind my business. No matter how bad I wanted to ask I never did. Plus with the tips he was leaving what did I have to complain about?

I rolled my eyes at her, "First, that doesn't warrant you to almost knock me on my ass and second, you gotta take a chill pill dude. Like seriously what are you on?" I laughed as I looked her up and down. She was smiling from ear to ear and practically bouncing in her shoes. She looked like a hyperactive kid on Christmas.

"First, I didn't mean to stick the landing that hard," she chuckled and shrugged her shoulders, likely remembering the look on my face moments ago, " and second I am not going to chill. Dude, you literally talked about this man nonstop for weeks after he mysteriously disappeared for three months. It was so annoying. You acted like you couldn't care less and then would just randomly bring his ass up in conversation. And at the worst times too bitch. Like when you brought it up at Ricky's party I couldn't beli-"

"Cam, seriously how much coffee have you had, you are all over the damn place." I loved my best friend but she had a severe caffeine addiction and when we got this job it just got worse.

"I forgot to take my adderall this morning but bitch that is not the point," she dismissed my comment and grabbed my shoulders, "he is back. After five months of small talk and a cartel worthy disappearance he shows back up. Go ask your questions because I swear to god Star if you don't walk over there and ask all of them I will my damn self. Trust me, I've got them memorized."

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