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three years later

Raising a three-year-old is not fun. He was a carbon copy of his dad. The only different thing was his eyes and nose: he had my brown eyes and petite nose. I've been married to Kita for three years now. We got married right after Tetsuro was born. I decided to name him after his dad's best friend since he already looks like his dad.

Right now, I am chasing him around because he refuses to put on pants. For a three-year-old, he is pretty fast.

"Tetsuro. You need to put your pants on. We have a ball to go to."

"NO!" I can't do this right now. I didn't want to get Kita because I never trusted him with Tetsuro. I'm afraid he's going to kill him.

"Please, for mommy?" He looked at me the way Bokuto used to do when he knew he hurt my feelings.

"Okay, mommy. Don't be sad anymore!" He grabbed the pants from my hands and slid them on. I was already dressed. I had a form-fitting red dress on with black heels. I picked him up, and we walked to the ballroom. Everyone was already here. "Uncle Akaashi! Uncle Kenma!" The little boy in my arms was moving way too much. I set him down, and he ran all the way to his favorite uncles. When Bokuto and Kuroo died, I stopped eating and wanted to lay in bed and sulk. My mom felt bad, so she convinced my dad to let me see my friends. Now, I get to see them whenever I want.

"Hi, Akaashi! Hi, Kenma!" I watched Akaashi pick up the little boy.

"He looks just like him."

"You should see him when he's sad. His hair gets all droopy." The three of us smiled at the memories.

"Let's talk about something else. How does it feel to be 21?"

"I feel the same. Nothing new has happened." Akaashi and Kenma both looked at each other and nodded. "What? Don't leave me out." Kenma grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the ballroom. "Where are you taking me?" We stopped in front of the tea room.

"Your presents, from us, are in there."

"I told you guys I didn't want any presents. Especially, not after what happened." Akaashi set Tetsuro down, and he kept tugging at the bottom of my dress. That was his signal for me to pick him up. I sat him on my hip. I could feel him playing with my hair.

"This is actually from your brother too."

"Akaashi. Kenma. What did you guys do?"

"You said you needed help with the baby Tetsuro, so we got you somethings that can make your life easier."

"You guys are too sweet." I opened the door. Two people were sitting on the couches, but I could only see the back of their heads which were covered by their hoods. I covered Tetsuro's ears. "You did not buy people!"

"We didn't." I walked closer to them until I was in front of them.

"I'm sorry if they pulled you into this. They like to play tricks on peopl-" I was speechless. Those golden eyes that I missed so much were staring right at me. I looked over at the other person. There's only one person that has that type of bed head. They both stood up, and the man with the golden eyes walked up to me.

"Mommy, don't cry." Tetsuro wiped my tears away as they were falling down my cheeks. The resemblance was so uncanny.

"Is it really you?" He grabbed my free hand and brought it to his face. Just feeling his touch again, made me smile.

"HEY! HEY! HEY! It really is me! Why wouldn't it be me? Do you not love me anymore?" There it is.

"I've never stopped loving you." I pushed his head down and kissed him. He wrapped his hands around my waist and brought me closer while deepening the kiss. My world was spinning again.

"EWW! MOMMY! STOP!" I pulled away from Bokuto.


"Yes, mommy."

"This is your dad."

"Hi, daddy!"

"He looks just like me!" Akaashi walked up to Bokuto and whispered something in his ear. Bokuto nodded and looked at me. "There's a car just outside that door." He pointed to the all too familiar door. "Everything is packed. Come with us. We can start a new life, but we have to leave now before anyone notices." My dreams were coming true.

"You did this all for me?"

"Well duh. I love you, silly! I would do anything for you, so is that a yes?"

"It's a million yeses." Bokuto grabbed Tetsuro out of my arms and grabbed my hand with his free one. The four of us ran to the car and jumped in. I don't know how this is possible, but he really is here. I wrapped my arms around Tetsuro and looked at the palace one last time.

"I'm finally happy."

Anything for You - Bokuto K.Where stories live. Discover now