Raph x Shy!Werewolf Reader

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Y/N wanted to be friends with the older brother Raph but she was just to shy to say anything. "Why is this so hard!" You whisper yell into the pillow you always carried around with you. "What is so hard?~" Leo sang as he tailed around to see what got Y/N so tighten up. "L-Leo!" She backed up and howled loudly like she does when surprised like that. "Yes Leo." He laughed and Mikey smacked him. "Leo really quit scarying her, sorry Y/N didn't mean to make you fall over like that." Mikey the very kind and soft younger brother offered a hand as she toke it. "What is the problem?" "Ahh...well...." She hesitated lightly "I may or may not....have a crush....on Raphael...eep!" She covered her face blushing as red as Raph's mask. "Ahh hah! I knew it!" Leo shouted. "Leo! Ahh well I knew that too." "Wait, what? when!" They both looked at each other and shook their head. "Its super obvious Y/N. You stare at him with those big E/C puppy eyes of yours for minutes at a time." Leo explained. "Yeah not to hard to notice....sorry." She hung her head. "But don't worry Raph doesn't know a thing about it." Leo had patted your shoulder. "Yeah he is pretty dense at this sort of stuff."

She looked up and sighed, her eyes had shined over ready for tears to fall out and Mikey grabbed your shoulder. "Hey easy don't cry. All you have to do is tell him how you feel!" "But what if that doesn't work?" They say loudly. "If Raph doesn't feel the same then well sorry to say its his loss ya know?" He pats their head. "Raph is a great guy and he wouldn't hurt you. So don't worry about it." He said. ".....Your right, I have to do this. Thanks Mikey..I can do this!" she ran to were Raph's room was and went to knock but she stopped short and her ears hung down. She was getting cold feet again, "You can do this, you can do this!" She knock, Raph yelled that he was coming while he opened the door Y/N yelled out before he could say hello. "I like you a lot! Go out with me!" Raph stopped short and eye wide blushed and so did Y/N. "Wait what??" Raph said, Y/N covered her mouth she barked a bit. Something she did when scared and nervous. "I-I uhhh well haha I said I liked you, and would you go out with me?" She closed her eyes. Raph blinked "That's uhh well out of nowhere but uh Y/N..." He was not saying anything much about what she said and it was scaring her, she backed up. "It's really sweet but-! Wait Y/N!" She ran off. 

A bit later after running after her, he found that she might be in the woods again. She always went there when she was sad, "Y/N? Y/N! Where are you?" He went even more into the woods and by the time he reached a more far back part of the woods he could hear crying or more like whimpers in the quiet night. "Y/N? Are you there?" He called pushing some branches out of his way, he saw Y/N full changed in a werewolf in the light of the full moon. He didn't know it was the full moon in general or if her mood had caused it as well. "Oh Y/N...." He placed a hand on her back and she flinched back. He backed up a bit and sat down next to her. "Y/N..." "I'm sorry Raph." "What for?" "I m-must have made you u-uncomfortable with my confession of my liking of you. *sniff* I know it was fruitless....I-I am not....I-I'm like this." She waved her hands out to gestured to herself. "Y/N, no that's not what I meant!" "I am a werewolf, I am also shy not really anything worth wild. Just a doormat at times. I get it that you are not into a girl like me, but I g-guess I can say that I at least tried r-right?" She teared up more as her lip quivered. He grabbed her shoulders, luck he was just as tall as her when she changed. "Y/N that is not what I meant! And I will not sit here and hear you talk bad about yourself!" She stopped and blinked at him. "What are you?" "I think your shy yes but there are times when you stand up for yourself, your kind to those who even hurt you. You are not a doormat either and as far as I know being a werewolf is not a bad thing, I think you are beautiful no matter what shape you take." She blushed. "I am the one who should be sorry, I didn't say what I should have at the moment. I was caught off guard when you told me you liked me, that is what I meant to say. It was very sudden but I do like you too Y/N." Her eyes got bigger. "You mean you like me too?" He nod. "I was gonna say that too but you ran off." He rubbed his neck chuckling nervously/ "I'm so sorry...I didn't give you time to speak, I just acted. I should have known better then to let my worse fears take over." He gave her a hug. "Its alright, just don't ever do that again. You really had me worried." She hugs back and nods. "I promise." He pulled back and kissed her on the lips. She blushed a very dark shade of red but kissed back. He pulled back, "Heh sorry couldn't help it..." She kissed his cheek. "Don't be I am happy you did. Thank you Raph." She hugged him again. "Your welcome Y/N" They spent the rest of the night in each others arms. 


I am so sorry this toke forever QwQ I had no idea where to take this story so it might be a bit off at the beginning. I hope its okay. Enjoy TwT

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