Raph x Shy!Reader

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Big and cuddly

Raph was always such a sweet and nice turtle, its in his nature what with being the oldest brother of three. Y/N and Raph had been dating for a few years now, he loved her so much even though she was a crybaby. One day mikey had scared her as a prank and instead of just being scared like a normal person and then get mad or maybe laugh it off she started to cry and scream to their father hiding behind his chair, the rat felt bad and let them hide behind there. Mikey felt so bad and Raph scold him about it, Raph was the only one able to get her out of anything.

Time past still nothing till....one day. "Y/n come on you gotta try this! You'll have fun." She looked up with shaky eyes at the blue clad brother. "I...don't know.." She said. "Come on, just one I promise you'll like it!" Mikey chimed in. "......okay." She got up and Mikey gave her a skateboard, she looked down and shook a bit mainly her legs. "You can do it!" "Do it do it!" She did it at least she thought she did as she rolled down she lost balance and flipped hitting the wall as she did so. "Oh my-!" Mikey ran down. Leo ran down after he sled down landing next to her. "Y/n you okay?!" She shook her head. He legs got cut up and her head was bleed. "I'm....okay." She said till she saw red in her eyes. "Oh god!" Leo panicked and Mikey was yelling as well. Her eyes started to water then tears fell down as she sobbed covering her eyes. "No no no don't cry Y/N its okay!" Leo grabbed her shoulder. "Raph!" He called the large turtle came in and saw the damage and rushed to her. "Y/N? What happened!" He was worried badly yelling just a little but stayed calm as best he could. "*hic hic*" was all he got. "Mikey, Leo, What happened?" He had more of a scolding tone with them. "We didn't do anything! It was an accident I swear!" Mikey said tears also in his eyes knowing his brother was angry, calm scolding Raph was more scary then mad and showing Raph. "We wanted to show Y/N how to stake and she lost her balance and then fell over while going down." Leo for once said honestly also scared of his brothers wrath. Raph soften a bit at this. "Thanks for being honest. Y/N come on let's get you patched up alright?" He smiled softly to her. She looked up sobbing and it just got worse as he lifted her up. She was so weak and such a crybaby. The brothers said sorry to Y/N and they nodded as to accept the apology from the boys. As they sat in his room he fixed her up. "I'm sorry my brothers made you cry. They should have known better." He said wrapping your head. "No! Its okay...I-I should have s-said something." You sniffled a bit. "No my brothers are 6ft tall and are ninja's, they should know to be more careful with you." They started to cry again. "Aww wait no! Y/N am sorry I didn't mean to make you cry!" He waved his hands in a panic. "I'm sorry, your mad and it's my fault." She rubbed her eyes. "No it's not your fault!" He said. "But your brothers just wanted to let me have fun, they didn't wanna hurt me. I swear Raph please you have to trust me!" she looked at him with big ol eyes, he couldn't resist those eyes. "Okay, I trust you....am sorry for getting mad, or well I didn't really mad. But anyway I just care about your well-being." He kissed her forehead and gave her a hug as she blushed and hugged back. "Thank you Raph. You are my hero." They kissed his cheek. He blushed brightly and shuttered loudly. "A-Ahh it's n-n-n-oo biggie I say hahah." He laughed. "hehe." They laughed softly. "Wanna cuddle with my stuffed animals and watch one of those cartoon movies you like so much?" He asked. "I would love that Raphie." She giggled and yelped as he picked her up. "Then off we go!"  He toke her in his room and set her up and his bed. He put all the stuffed animals around her and blankets for more comfort. They both spent the night watch a movie and cuddling together. 


another request and after all these months got to it. sorry for anyone who request from me and they take this long. ;w; anyway I hope you like it. I had to change a few things cause the ending was different from the beginning.

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