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───── ❝ VIRUS ❞ ─────

I wonder what he saw, he wonders to himself.

When he had led Wilbur Soot to the River of Horrors in order to prove to him what he had seen was in fact real, he couldn't help but fixate his intrigued gaze on the boy as he stared down into the reflection of the water, with an aloof look sprawled out along his distressed face.

Mesmerised, he just knelt there distantly, staring down at the water; austere and detached from reality itself as his mind and vision of the reflection clouded with a playing montage of his darkest nightmares coming to life. The look on his face was beyond what Schlatt could define as afraid — he looked downright mortified, making him only even more curious as to what the hell Wilbur could have been watching.

Sucking himself out from his internal thoughts, he settles back into reality as the two boys trail through the woods and away from the direction of the cursed river.

He glances over at Wilbur again, whose swatting tree branches and bushes out from his path with one hand. With the other, he's holding his slung-on backpack. His portentous lips are parted as he concentrates on his path ahead; his deep, chocolate eyes are cold and sharp — sharp enough to pierce through the thick blades of grass and bushes.

Schlatt debates silently to himself whether he should ask him or not.

... Fuck it.

He decides to ask him.

"So, Wilbur," he starts, catching the attention of the taller boy, who turns around to meet with his inquisitive eyes. "What exactly did you see?"

He blinks dumbfoundly, as if processing what he had said for a few seconds. A solid moment passes before Wilbur's face then flushes a light shade of red.

"Is there a reason I need to tell you?" he replies back, flaring up little. As he snaps, he quickly turns away and continues his way through the forest. Schlatt raises an eyebrow at his sudden secretiveness.

"Hey, I told you what I saw." Schlatt frowns, speeding his pace to catch up to Wilbur. "That's a pretty good reason to tell me."

"Not a good enough reason for my standards." Wilbur remarks, not turning to look at him; his eyes locked onto the trailing path of forests ahead.

Schlatt bites his lip for a second, his mind quickly trying to dig around for another ushering response.

"What could be worse than seeing yourself broke, Wil?" he shoves his hands into his pockets, shrugging as he speaks. "- $50,000 in debt, sitting outside in the rain on the streets with no more economical potential. Being broke is against my catholic religion, Wilbur. I very well can't think of anything that could beat that—"

"Well I can!" Wilbur suddenly snaps, stopping completely; jerking his head to Schlatt as he abruptly lashes out, saliva spraying from his lips onto his forehead, causing the man to stumble back a little in surprise. For a few good seconds, Schlatt can see it — a flicker of unrestrained, fervent resentment, scorching aflame in his demanding eyes. His face dements itself, crumpling into a profound mean expression that Schlatt can only pinpoint as detestation. His fuming eyes dig right into his soul — a cruel, fuming snarl appearing on his lips as he blurted out.

River Of Horrors - A Schlattbur StoryWhere stories live. Discover now