You had just gotten out of work at your job that you hate and were heading home to your loving boyfriend.
You have known Stanley ever sense your diaper days and you guys did everything together, you lost your first tooth, fought a killer clown, shared your first kiss, and had your first dance with him. He also was your first time.Stanley and you don't do the deed often but when you do he always make it enjoyable for the both of you. Your also not into that kinky type of stuff like Stanley, sure you'll call him daddy or something like that but that was the kinkest you have ever gotten with him.
Actually just thinking about having it with him was getting you excited and you wanted to rush home as fast as possible. It's been about 3 month since the last time yall had it so you were hoping he was in the mood as well.
💫💫Time skip lol💫💫
As you raced up the stairs to your guys apartment you quickly fished out your keys to make it in and waste no time to get what you wanted. As you opened the door the lights were all off except for a few stray candles that lead to the bedroom that you too shared.
You set your purse and your work bag down and quietly followed the trail of vinalla sinted candles and tiny little rose petals scattered on the ground. You opened the door to the bedroom to see Stan on the bed waiting for you to join him.
He paused the classical music that was playing and went up to you to give you a hug and a kiss on your forehead. "I know your probably not down for this but I'm gonna be honest with you... I wanna have sex tonight." He said in a seductive tone. You smiled and blushed as you guys kissed and walked to the bed.
He laid you done while still kissing you and started to take off your work clothes sense he only had his boxers on. He slipped his tongue into your mouth and he automatically got dominance cause you a smol bean.
He quickly took off his boxers and slipped on a condom (cause he don't want no minis running around yet) and asked you one more time of you wanted to do this cause he is a consent king!
After you said yes he put himself inside off you and let you adjust before going at a good pace. It wasn't long before you both felt the need to come and you both did cause he didn't have the strength.
After your sexy time he got you dressed in your pajamas and pulled you next to him for cuddle time!!
I am fully aware that this sucks but I'm tired cause it's 2AM so please forgive me for this terrible story bb's 💞💞💞

IT smuts, oneshots, preferences
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