This is gonna be short and I apologize for not posting in a long time but I've been busy with my other two stories (It's a Harry Potter one and Mha as well lolz) anyway enjoy bbs
School seemed to drag on all day today it felt like I had been there for daya when really it was only 3rd period. I yawned as the bell rang and went to lunch with my best friend Beverly Marsh.
People are always shocked that we are friends considering the fact that we are total opposite to each other. I have dark black hair that is near my waist and my father is the Mayor. Where Bev has Red hair and her father is abusive. It's normal for her to come over at all hours of the day and my parents love her and would gladly take her in as their own.
As we walked to lunch people looked at us and would whisper about each other behind our backs. By now we are rather used to it but we pay it no mind until I see Henry Bowers and my blood turns ice cold as I see him standing there with his gang. He smirked at me and kept on walking but I couldn't help but to grab onto Bev as he walked past us.
Henry had bullied me for years and he was only getting worse as time went on making more sexual jokes towards me and just being a total perv. Sadly the adults in this town are complete bone heads and just look the other way when something bad happens.
Time skip
After we got our food we went outside to eat and we passed by these group of boys and my cheeks heated up the second I saw one of them. His name is Bill and he's my next door neighbor I've always liked him and his stutter considering the fact that I have one as well but mines less serious.
We made breif eye contact and I could have sworn that he blushed too before Bev had pulled me away to were we usually go to. "Just tell him already, it isn't hard to confess y/n"
I looked down at the grass to avoid eye contact with her. "I-I don't k-know Bev" I whispered out she just sighed in response and continued to eat her food.Time skip by Pennywises abortion clinic yesterday's sauce is today's meal!!!
After what felt like decades schoolnwas finally out for summer!!! I jumped out of my seat and ran quickly to go and wait for Bev by our meet up place. As I got outside I noticed Bill and his friends by our spot as well but they were throwing away their notes and such.
I went to the tree and pulled out my copy of Moby Dick while I waited. After opening it I felt a presence in front of me. Before I could react my book was torn from my hands and was now in the hands of Henry. My heart skipped a beat as he towered over me. I slowly got up to grab my book but he lifted it over his head and away from me.
"If you want it so badly princess your gonna have to give me a kiss" Henry said as he locked his musty lips." I rolled my eyes and sighed with disgust as he got closer to me. "Give i-i-it back Henry I don't wa-want an-an-any trouble" I stuttered he just smiled and got closer to me I backed up some more before hitting the tree by me.
My eyes grew wide as he got so close I could feel his breath against my forehead he reached out and pulled on my dress. Before I knew it I had slapped him hard across the face. I gasped and as soon as I did I felt him slap me and then push me up against the tree. I was so scared I couldn't are a noise.
"Your gonna die for that" Hemry said as he pulled out his knife. I closed my eyes prepared for him to plunge it into me when I heard someone yell from behind us. "LEAVE HER ALONE BOWERS!!" I looked over to see Bill and his friends standing behind Henry. I tried to go over to them but he had grabbed my waist with one hand and put the knife to my neck. I whimpered in utter fear.
"Go away Billy-boy me and y/n are fine here" he said as he dug his nails into my side. I hissed in pain. I heard a scream come from over there and I saw Bill run over to us and punched him. Henry let go over me as blood poured from his nose he ran off soon after.
I was about to thank Bill before I felt someone kiss me and that someone was Bill I closed my eyes and kissed him back.
After the kiss Bev came over and the guys filled her in.
The end!!

IT smuts, oneshots, preferences
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