I chose to spend our last night in Connecticut alone, sleeping in the separate room Jacob offered at the beginning of the week. The tension was too disproportionate of the good times for me to be around him, and whether or not he truly understood why, Jacob was okay with my choice to get some space. When I retired to the room as soon as we arrived back to his home, I blamed it partly on the wine, and as if to make me feel any more at ease, he coolly said how it hit him too.
While in my given room, I planned to pack my things in anticipation of getting any early start back to New York the next morning. But first, I wanted to take a shower to relax my strained muscles and hoped the warm water would help me to fall asleep faster; whatever it took to bring tomorrow.
I removed the delicate diamond necklace and held it stiffly in my hands, not knowing what to do with it. The box was in Jacob's room and I didn't want to go down the hall to retrieve it. He was downstairs watching television but I didn't want to sneak around. So I laid the necklace across the top of the dresser, then turned away to proceed with getting ready for sleep; it would be an escape from all the crushing doubts in my heart.
~ ~ ~
The next day arrived in what gloriously felt instantaneous, and I pulled my luggage down the stairs by myself, one clumsy level at a time. The smell of eggs and bacon flooded my nose and my stomach growled for the nourishment. However, what I wanted more than a meal was to just get home.
"Good morning, Chloe," he greeted from the kitchen around the corner. "Breakfast is almost finished. Would you like coffee?"
I lost my handling and the luggage fell down the last two steps with a heavy, boisterous thud. I cursed under my breath and Jacob jogged over immediately. He reached for the bag.
"It sounded like you fell," he said with a relieved grin as he handed the bag over.
"No, unfortunately I am physically fine," I remarked and took the bag from his grasp. I pulled it behind me and made my way towards the basement door.
"Chloe," Jacob called softly. "I didn't mean to act the way I did. Please don't be upset with me, at least not for long."
I halted just before the exit and let out a slow, deep sigh. "I just want to get home and think about things." I turned around to face him from across the short distance between us. "This week was incredible, and it was the best of my life. But I need to settle back into something normal for a little while."
He nodded and stepped back into the kitchen without a verbal response. I resumed taking my bag down to his car.
Great, more steps.
~ ~ ~
Jacob pulled the Bentley up in the usual parallel parking spot across from my apartment building. The ride from Connecticut was short, due to it being a Sunday without all of the usual traffic, but presumably felt protracted in the sense that each mile passed by without a whole lot being said between us.
"I'm not purposely trying to give you the silent treatment," I said, after he cut the engine.
He unbuckled his seatbelt and replied, "I understand and I respect how you feel. It's better for both of us to cool it for right now. Can I help you with your bag?"
I shook my head. "I got it. Thanks again for a really great trip." I stepped out of the Bentley and into the late morning heat. Before I closed the door, I asked, "Talk to you soon?"
Jacob raised his eyebrows, half unexpecting such an offer. His mouth turned up a little. "Yeah, soon."
I gave him a modest, consoling smile then shut the passenger side door. As I strode across the street, luggage bag in tow, I chose not to look back. Instead, I openly listened as the Bentley's engine roared to life again and faded out as it drove away.

Last Olive Bistro ✓
قصص عامةChloe Rae Lovric (24) makes ends meet as a waitress at the Last Olive Bistro in Manhattan. She's under the pressure of petty customers, a might-be demonic manager, and the constant nagging of each month's portion of rent. Her roommates make life a...