twenty one

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"do I really have to do this"

"you've received 10 detentions just this month y/n be glad I haven't suspended you and let's not even discuss the vending machine incident" you scoff at the principal whilst following him

"that vending machine has been faulty for a year"

"that doesn't mean you had to kick it so hard that the front popped out, listen y/n I'm being lenient here, Youre going to have to also participate in a extra curricular activity"  he gives you a piece of paper outlining the types of activities at school

you roll your eyes stuffing the paper into your bag

"okay but I don't see how dealing with little kids after school is going to help me" you fold your arm and scrunch your face in disgust as two kids run past you

the old man stops, turning around to face you

"you're not 'dealing' with them you will read to them and help them with activities..AH Jungkook come here" your eyes bulge as the principal hollers the one person you've been dreading to see after the encounter 2 days ago

"Jungkook, y/n here will be assisting you with the kids from now on until graduation"

"until what now" your arms drop in disbelief as the principal smiles while walking away

"damn what did you do?" Jungkook smirks as he ogles at the clipboard in his hand

"me? this is your fault, it's because of all the detentions you give me"

"mm I wouldn't have to give you detentions if you just did what I wanted" rolling your eyes at his remark he motions you to follow him

"I'll have you start with a easy job, See the kid whose sitting alone" You follow Jungkooks gaze to a little girl sitting on the floor with a closed book

"She has uh behavioural issues and refuses to read so you go and talk to her and help her to read"  before you can protest Jungkook walks away

I hate kids

you put on probably the worst fake smile ever and sit down next to the small girl

"Hey I'm y/n"

you're met with silence, rolling your eyes you snatch the book she was fondling with

"I remember this book, it's actually pretty good it's about a girl who starts at a new school and she's trying to make new friends"

"It's stupid, reading is stupid"

"it's not that big of a deal kid"

"no i hate it it's dumb

"there's people dying out there all you're being asked to do is read I think you'll be fine

"my mommy said only old people die"

"well tell your mommy she's a liar and if you don't start reading now you'll wish you were old you little brat"

the little girl gets up crying while running away

"drama queen" you scoff

"what the hell did you do?" Jungkook asks approaching

"she's acting like I'm asking her to read the bible, I mean there's more pictures than words in this book"

Jungkook pinches the bridge of his nose as he sighs deeply

"y/n I told you she has behaviour issues she's just a little stubborn sometimes"

"stubborn? let her come back here I'll take those behavioural issues right out of her"

"you're getting mad at a little kid"

"i don't like kids okay"

"is there anything you do like?"

"I liked what you did to me two days ago" you say a little too quick

Jungkook rolls his eyes, grabbing you by your arm gently as he leads you outside

you watch as the little girl comes into view

"Mina, Y/n wants to apologise"

"do I?" Jungkook looks at you intensely as you roll your eyes

"I'm sorry okay, I just didn't understand why you didn't want to read I mean it's not a big dea-"

jungkook clears his throat interrupting you

"I shouldn't have been so mean to you I'm sorry, will you forgive me" you say casually as you cross you leg

Jungkook cocks his head to the side realising it's probably the best apology that'll come out of you even if it is a little monotonous

The little girl sniffles as she nods she wipes the snot from her nose as she stands up

"let's be friends" she says happily holding out her hand

you give her a little smile but clearly disturbed by her hand

you pat her head twice instead 'sure' and she skips back to the library

"see kids aren't so bad"

you give Jungkook an unreadable expression as you begin walking away

"hey" Jungkook says softly grabbing your hand and spinning you around smoothly

"Are uh things with your parents alright?"

"yep fabulous" you reply quickly

Jungkook looks at you hesitant to let you get back but he knows you wouldn't share anymore information

Jungkook approaches Mina who was now happily reading

looking up at the tall boy she gestures him to crouch down like she was going to tell him a secret

he giggles as he sits beside her

"is y/n your girlfriend, she's really pretty"

Jungkook chuckles at the girls loud whispering

his eyes follow the little girls seeing you run around with a little boy it becomes clearer that the boy took your phone so you were chasing him

he laughs "she is pretty isn't she" he says

the little girl nods "she listens to you well and she likes you a lot so you should marry her"

"how do you know she likes me a lot"

"she looks at you like she's in love silly billy...boys are stupid" the girl giggles running away

Jungkook watches as you were now holding your phone laughing with the little boy

he approaches you from behind as the boy goes back to reading

"my parents aren't gonna be home for a few days, you could come over" Jungkook says casually as you turn around slightly startled by his presence

"I'll see if i'm free" you say while walking away

Jungkook scoffs smiling knowing you had no plans

what Jungkook couldn't see was the little smile that was across your face as your back faced him

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2022 ⏰

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