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your pov

"my hands are going to rip off" I say while massaging my arms

"you're so weak" Jungkook says huffing out a deep breath while picking up a box full of papers

I roll my eyes and continue picking up folders and boxes

the only sound heard was the sounds of both your feet shuffling and heavy breathing

"how come you don't want your parents to be together?"
I turn around at the sudden question and he stops what he's doing to look at me

"I don't need to explain to you, just know it's for a damn good reason"

third person

Jungkook stares at you intensely thinking deeply about what you just said

He slowly walked closer to you

the fact that he's done it multiple times doesn't phase you anymore

he was close to you. too close

His fingers came towards your hair moving it from covering your neck

his thumb grazes over the spot he had left a mark on he starts applying a little pressure while rubbing it

"why'd you cover it up hm?"
his voice sounded so deep yet soothing

he starts rubbing off the makeup you used to cover it up, he starts admiring the pinkish red bruise which he had placed there

you stood there looking at him, it's like your eyes were begging him to do something to you

but you would never get yourself to be so needy especially to him

"y/n just say the word and i'll-"

"you'll what?"
he could see how much you wanted him to do things to you, your eyes say it all

he just wants you to say it, he wants to be the one to make you break character

his hand slowly makes its way down to the buttons of your shirt

using one hand he unbuttons the first one

"just say what I wanna hear y/n"

he unbuttons the second button


another button.

he looks down seeing a preview of what's underneath, he puts on a playful smile seeing a little part of the white lace bra you had on

the way he smirked and looked up at you made you want to back down and just do what he wants

but you're way too stubborn to say what he wants to hear

as if he's hands worked quicker than your mind he placed you on the now clear table that once had a stack
of papers

he quickly moved the chair that was in front of it and now there you were sitting on a table with jeon jungkook in front of you while your shirt was basically half unbuttoned

he places his hands carefully on your thighs before separating them giving him space to be closer to you

"come on y/n"

he whispers

he places a hand on your thigh slowly rubbing it making his hand go slightly under your skirt

this was driving you insane

he was looking at you waiting for you to say something

instead you did the unthinkable

you kissed him.

Seductive | jungkook | jjk fanficWhere stories live. Discover now