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flashback (insert spongebob voice)

Aizawa was walking over back to UA, back to meet with principal Nezu to talk about the new intel he has gotten on the interdimensional kid he accidentally meant that day. Little did the hero know, Killua was following him, using zetsu to hide his presence from the pro hero. The reason to why he was following him, was obvious. He wasn't an idiot, he knew the man was going to tell someone about what he had just said. Not very sneaky, in the slightest. Killua would know. He's practically a master of secrets and going unnoticed.

Aizawa arrived at UA.'s gates. Killua then observed the gates. Aizawa hasn't told him about the precaution UA takes for intruders, but obviously they had it, considering UA was the top school for aspiring heroes. Judging by the structure, he could easily figure out that when intruders tried to enter, the gates would shut. It was simple and plain obvious. Killua, being the mastermind he is, quickly jumped over the gate and went back into hiding as Aizawa entered the building.

end of flashback (insert spongebob voice)

Killua had listened to the whole conversation, and left quickly after hearing that the principal of UA high told Aizawa that he had a secret plan. It only took him a few minutes to get back to Aizawa's house, thanks to godspeed and his years of experience in fleeing. Once he got back, he plopped down on the couch, again and turned on the TV. The young boy wasn't even surprised that all the channels had something to do with quirks. It was, after all, a world of quirks. 

After what felt like an hour, Aizawa arrived at his house. He say Killua on the sofa, again. The pale boy's eyes were droopy and he looked like the walking definition of plain boredom. Aizawa cringed internally. Instead of staring at the boy, Aizawa decided to speak up, "Um, sorry there's nothing here to....  entertain you. What do kids your age even do for fun?". Killua turned to the pro hero. In all honesty, Aizawa actually really just wanted a cup of coffee and a nap. He got a day off today because of his encounter with Killua, as Nezu suggested. The erasure hero was definitely not backing down on a chance to get away from work, even for half a day.

"Dunno. Don't mind me, just do whatever you usually do," the 14 year old said in a nonchalant tone, the boy was just thinking about the possibilities of UA's principal's 'secret plan', and had come to the conclusion that he'll find out tomorrow. He really didn't care at this point. 


The next day came by, and Killua was going insane. He knew Aizawa would bring him to UA later in the day, courtesy to his little eavesdropping. But as for now, he was so bored and glum. He missed Alluka to no end, thinking about what she and Gon would be thinking about right now. He was gone for a day, and who knows how long it will be until he'd be back, and that's assuming he'd be back at all. He was already missing his best friend and his little sister, but there's nothing he could do about it now. 

"Hey kid, I need you to come with me at 12," Aizawa said. Killua already knew about this, but of course he had to pretend he didn't. The pale boy raised his eyebrow, "Where?". The dark haired male sighed, "We're going to UA. I don't know the reasons either, the principal just wanted to see you, I guess," 

Killua hummed in response.

Today's gonna be a long day.



Helloo!! New chapter update ;)

I might update chapters a little more late now bcs school sucks and all

but yeah :) byee

- van.

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