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Midoriya undoubtedly still had so many questions left unanswered by the snow-white haired teen, but he'd hunt the answers later. As for now, all that was on the green haired boy's mind was how to use one for all at a percentage where he wouldn't harm the mysterious pale haired boy. 

Once principal Nezu gave them the go, Killua kinda stood there. He's already readied his guns and daggers, his gun on his hip holster and daggers gripped in his hands. Midoriya runs up to Killua, and tries to throw a punch at 5%, which wasn't exactly at 5%, it was probably around 10%, given that the greenie hasn't gotten control over one for all yet, making a huge impact on the ground, shattering it. Izuku was scared for a moment that he had hit Killua, and was relieved when he heard a whistle from a roof of the surrounding building.

"Wew, huge impact. You're pretty strong, mumbly dude."

Everyone slowly tilt their heads upwards, relieved that Killua was okay from that blast. "I-I'm so sorr-" before the freckled teen could finish, Killua was suddenly in front  of him, dagger dangerously at his neck.



Killua decided that injuring two students was enough, so he pulled that stunt, meaning that he didn't injure Midoriya, the boy injured himself! Once Izuku was with recovery girl, leaving Killua with Nezu and Aizawa, the pale haired boy decided to speak up.

"Those two, the blonde and the one whose hair looked like a canadian flag," he started, Nezu and Aizawa's attention on him. "They both were the ones you were with at the entrance when I arrived, right? Aizawa?". "Yes, that's them. They're two of the top students in class 1A." 

Killua froze. As far as he knew, which wasn't much, about hero schools was that the letters behind the year number was the level of potential. Meaning to say, class 1A was the strongest among first years. He wasn't sure if that was true, but it may as well be. Had he just beat the top students of the first years? He's like, 2 years younger than them. How would he explain that he's not a threat now?

The pale boy quickly calmed himself, not a single soul would even notice that he was wary. He didn't use nen, and he used like, half of his nenless abilities. Hell, he didn't even use rythm echo. Were the people here that weak? No, he took the advantage of their shock. He couldn't go underestimating people in here. 

"Oh," the boy replied, his face not giving away anything. "So, test results?"

"Ah yes, It seems you effortlessly defeated the three top first years, meaning that I can go on with my plan!" chirped the fuzzy principal. Killua raised an eyebrow, pretending to be oblivious to the presence of said 'plan'. "Plan? What plan?"

That evil grin stretched across the mammalian principal's face once again. 

"Let's discuss it in my office, shall we?"



hey hey heyy! digging my brain for ideas on this fic soo I'm taking quite a while to upload :")

soo yeah new update, I'm trying to upload again this week, but let's see about that :))

- van.

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