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The misty warp villain disappeared into his own warp quirk, leaving the USJ. "Young Bakugou, Todoroki, Killua, and Midoriya," All Might started, "Please get to the entrance and regroup with everyone else,". Todoroki nodded and walked over to regroup. Bakugou tailed Todoroki from behind, though reluctantly, a whole lot of swears leaving his mouth. He didn't throw a fuss, however. He was too mad and ashamed of himself for letting the warp villain get away. Killua was standing still as the two walked away, Midoriya as well. The green haired teen looked unsure and conscious, glancing at All Might rather frequently. "Hey Midoriya, something wrong?" asked the pale haired boy, raising a brow. "Young Killua, I think it would be better for you to follow young Todoroki and young Bakugou," All Might said, shooting Killua his signature smile. Killua was skeptical. One, Midoriya's glances. But then again that may be his fanboy side showing. Maybe he wants an autograph or something.  Two, All Might didn't tell Midoriya to leave. Major red flag. Three, though All Might was concealing it well, Killua would know uncertainty and dread when he sees- no, feels- wait, no. Senses it. With his suspicions, Killua nodded and walked off in the direction his two classmates were heading. However, after like, two steps, The not-so-loud sound of a balloon deflating made Killua jolt and get back into a fighting stance. 

Killua looked backwards and saw a huge smoke screen where All Might was standing. Killua read the air and felt so much uncertainty and panic coming from the two individuals he was interacting with just two seconds ago. That's when Midoriya came out of the smoke screen, almost frantic. "Come on Killua let's go," Midoriya persuaded, hoping that Killua would turn a blind eye. The pale haired boy deadpanned. He walked over to where All Might was, and it was quite visible in his face that he was struggling as if he was keeping something heavy from moving, his body shaking ever so slightly, most people wouldn't be able to see. It honestly surprised Killua how noone else was seeing this. "What's wrong," Killua asked, suspicions turning into certainty that something was indeed going on. Midoriya came after Killua, obvious panic flashing in his eyes. "Are you two keeping something a secret? Also, what're you stuggling for, oh number one hero? Just let it go or something," Killua said nonchalantly. There was no time for All Might to respond before his body deflated, revealing a skinny man coughing up blood. "Oh? Where'd All Might go?" Midoriya asked, trying desperately to hide the fact that all Might, the number one hero, probably the most buff human in this world, was currently in the form of a skinny, lanky old man coughing up blood.

"So this is what you two've been being so secretive about?" Killua raised a brow, totally ignoring Midoriya's futile attempts to cover everything up. "Young Killua," All Might said, looking down. Panic was obvious in the two that it actually was starting to irritate the pale haired boy. "Would you two stop freaking out? What's even wrong here?" Killua asked, though he knew what's wrong. All Might is a skinny lanky dude. Okay. So what? It wasn't much of a problem, except for the press. Midoriya and All Might turned to stare at Killua, both looking at him confused. Killua turned his head to see everyone had left the USJ, probably before the whole smoke screen thing. 

"You're not... well, surprised?" All Might asked cautiously, as if Killua was some explosive bomb that could explode any second now. "Well, the great All Might is apparently some lanky guy with blood coughing fits. Okay. So what?" Killua voiced his previous thoughts. All Might's eyes were still full of panic, even though they were basically black and blue, which was pretty sick, in Killua's humble opinion. "Young Killua, please, could this all be kept... under the covers? It will be a real disaster if anyone else found out and-" Before the pro hero could keep going, Killua cut him off, "Yeah, yeah. Sure. Wouldn't gain anything from spilling anyway. So, since Midoriya knows, I assume you two have the same quirk or something?" Killua asked, and the two visibly stiffened. That was enough of an answer for the pale haired boy. "H-How did you..." Midoriya trailed off, earning a shrug from the pale haired boy. "I'm surprised no one else mentioned it.  Your quirks are almost identical. The 'smash' totally made it obvious. And, Midoriya knew about all this. It's quite logical, unless Midoriya is related to you somehow," Killua said, eyeing All Might. "Whatever. I won't tell," Killua said, walking off towards the doors leading outside, regrouping with the rest of his classmates.

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