Haunted (Larry Stylinson)

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New story! Woo!

I'm pretty pumped.

Obviously, I have a thing for angst, if you've ever read Remember or I Bleed.

There will be self-harm in this story, just like the other two, but a lot more. Don't read it if it will trigger you.

So yeah.

I'll update every Monday.

So here's the prologue, it's really, really short but the chapters should be pretty long since I'll have a week to write them.

Love you!


He never wanted this to happen.

He never wanted to feel this way for him.

He never wanted so much pain.

But it happened, and he felt this way for him. He felt pain.

Stupid Louis Tomlinson for ruining Harry's life.

Stupid Eleanor Calder for ruining Harry's life.

Stupid Harry for ruining his own life.

Have you ever wanted something so badly that it physically pains you?

That's how he feels towards Louis. He's felt like that since a few months after the X Factor.

He'd waited too long to tell him, though.

The nausea he had felt as Louis introduced his new girlfriend was etched into his memory.

Knowing how happy she had him killed Harry.

Every time he viciously denied Larry Stylinson evoked a similar reaction.

The fans often commented on how Harry had never denied it, that it was always Louis.

It was because he wanted it to be real.

Stupid Eleanor for taking him away.

Stupid Louis for not noticing the pain Harry lived in, for not noticing how skinny he was getting or how tired he was.

The other boys noticed. They even saw the cuts on his wrists, but nothing they did could help him anymore.

He was spiraling into a dark abyss.

Stupid Harry for letting himself fall so hard for someone that he would never, ever get.

Haunted (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now