Part 2

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Halstead POV*

After the woman leaves my room I finish drinking my coffee. I realize that I'm running a little late so I jump in my car, heading to work. "Halstead your late" Platt says as soon as I walk in. "Sorry traffic" I say opening the gate. Walk straight to my desk starting on my paperwork. "Hey Jay you wanna grab some coffee from the place down the street" Lindsay asks. "Yeah" I say as we grab our coats.

The whole car ride was quiet, I couldn't get that girl out my head. The way she was last with me last night, it was so more that I thought it would be. "Jay, you there" she asks waving a hand waving in front of my face. "Yeah, yeah" I say getting out the car. "Are you okay, you seem quiet today" she ask grabbing our coffees. "Yeah just thinking" I says.

Units in the citywide, units in the district reports of shots fired on the corner of West 23rd Street.

"That three blocks away" I say finishing up my coffee. "Roll on it" she say as we run to the car. "5021-George plain clothes officers on scene be advised, we need backup" I say putting on my vest. I hop out the car and we take cover on the east wall. We gradually walk in and see a masked suspect riding out the back on a bike. "Clear it, I'll go" Lindsay say running after the offender. I see a woman shot and another non responsive. "Drop it!" I yell pointing the gun another masked offender. He drops the gun and I cuff him, I'm surprised when I take off his mask and it's a kid, no younger than 16. I call it in and apply pressure to the woman's wound after checking on the other man finding him DOA.

"What happened here?" Voight asks as the scene is being processed. "Four masked assailants shot the security and shot a clerk, she'll be fine, got off on bikes, Lindsay shot one of them, he bleed out on the street" I say. "This crews is young could be a gang affiliated" Lindsay tells Voight. "Head back, find out what you know" he says. Just as we're about to walk out I see her, the woman from last night. What's she doing here? Is she a cop? I think. "Detective Upton robbery homicide, thanks, but as of now this is my crime scene" she say so confidently. "We're gonna take this one of your hand, my team responded first, were taking it" Hank says. "There's been a robbery and a homicide I'd appreciate it if you vacated my crime scene." She walking away. "Do what I said I'll handle this" he say as we head out.

We're back at the district, yet so many questions are going through my head distracting me from work. I decided to grab a coffee before actually starting the work. "Hey you okay, you seem distracted?" Adam asks. "Just a lot on my mind" I say. "Okay, I got something" he say motioning for me to follow him out. We debrief on all the information gathered by the time Voight and Detective Upton walk out his office with the Superintendent, it is already did of shift, but we all new we were pulling a late night for this case. "It's late go home, come back tomorrow and finish this" the Superintendent says, but we all look at Voight for conformation. He nods and everybody starts packing, I just stay put. "Upton send over those case files tonight" the Superintendent says before walking away. "Hey everyone's going to Molly's if you want to join" Kev says. "No I kind of tired, put one up for me though" I say smiling lightly. "Will do" he say walking out with the others leaving the bullpen with just me and the detective.

"Crazy right" I say breaking the ice. "Yeah, that's one word for it" she says. "So your a cop" she adds. "Yeah so are you" I say turning in my chair to face her. "I have to go, nice meet you, again-" she says. "Halstead, Jay Halstead" I say getting up to shake her hand. "You to Upton" I say back. "It's Hailey" she says shaking my hand. "You need help with the files" I ask. "No I'll manage" she says walking way down the steps.

I hear a beeping noise, thinking that it's Adam drunk texting me again. I check my phone but nothing, this time I follow the sound of it. The sound leads me to the break room. I fill the phone over and it has multiple texts.

One reads: Hails where are you I have a work and Mike can't pick her up text back please. - Ali

Then there's a second, but I don't read it, not want to invade Hailey privacy. The phone screen goes black so tap it again and the texts are gone but it's a picture of a little girl, she has light brown hair with bright blue eyes, almost like Hailey's. I walk down the the parking lot hoping she's there which she is. "Hey" I say startling her as she drops a box back into the car. "Sorry you left this in the break room" I say handing her the phone. "Thanks, you didn't look at the text did you" she says. "I read the first on, but it was to see who's phone it was" I says. "Well thanks for this" she says. "Can I ask you something?". "Yeah" she says. "Who's the kid on your phone?" I ask. "That my daughter Fin she'll be a year old in May 4th. I can tell by your face what your thinking" she says. "What's that" I say intrigued if she guesses it right. "Your wondering why the name Finley? Just so you know I didn't name her, my um.. my friend did while I was high on the hospital drugs. He thought Fin was gonna be a boy, but there she was fully a girl, but he the left the middle name part for me, so that how I got Finley Piper." she says. "That's a cute story" I says helping her with a box. Hailey is showing me another picture of baby Finley when she gets another text.

Mike: When are you gonna be home, it reads.

"Who's Mike?" I asks catching her off guard. " He's um my ...Husband" she says.

Hope y'all liked this chapter.


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