Rhodey Babysits and Playdate

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Steve and all the Avengers including Loki had Missions so Steve called Rhodey to Babysit. Once Rhodey arrived Steve left. Tony said"Whodey"!! Rhodey said"Hey kiddo. Where's your sister"? Wanda flew down from the stairs. Wanda said"Hi Rhodey"! Rhodey said"I got your Surprises. *Gives em the toys* Here you go kiddos". Tony said"T'ank 'ous". Rhodey said"Your welcome little man. Did your daddy give you breakfast before he left"? Tony said"Nwo". Wanda said"He didn't even dress us cebuaze he was in a Hurry". Rhodey said"Ok. Tony? Are you 1 or 2". Tony held up 2 fingers and said"2 Whodey"! Rhodey said"Good. Wanda are you 3 or 4"? Wanda said"I'm 4". Rhodey picked up Tony,Carrying him upstairs while Wanda followed. Rhodey said"Captain America or Black widow outfit"? Tony said"Bwack Widow Pease". Rhodey said"Alright. Let's get you dressed then I'll get your sister dressed. Diaper or Pull-up"? Tony said"Pull-up pease". After changing both of them,Rhodey took them downstairs... Rhodey put Tony in his highchair and Sat Wanda in her booster seat. Rhodey heard the Phone and Answered it. Fury asked if Landon and Layla could have a playdate with Tony and Wanda. Rhodey told that they could. After cleaning up the kitchen,Rhodey put the 2 littles in the living room. Rhodey clipped Pacifiers to their shirts. They heard the doorbell so Rhodey Answered it and said"Hi Fury. Come on in. Tony and Wanda are in the living room". Fury said"Thank you Rhodes". Landon said"Tony? Wanna Play Superheroes"? Tony nodded and dug out his action figures. Layla snatched a Toy from Wanda. Wanda said"Hey give it back! That's mine"!! Fury smacked Layla's Bum and said"Lila. You do not take toys from others. Wanda was Other toys,You don't snatch it out of her hand if she's already playing with it". Wanda said"Rhodey,she almost broked my new one"! Rhodey said"Why don't we put your new one up in your room ok"? Wanda said"Ok. I don't want it broked". Landon said"No way! Daddy,He has the limited addition War Machine! It can go in water,Shoot missiles and has a Light up feature for in or out the water"! Fury said"Maybe Tomorrow I can get you if your good for Papa and Help him with Lila". Landon said"Ok Daddy". Later... Layla had bite Tony. Tony said"Sissy! Layla bited me"!! Wanda said"Rhodey! Layla bite Tony"!! Fury said"Lila Quin Fury! You do not Bite"! Landon said"Daddy? Why Lila Bite Tony"? Fury said"I don't know Honey,But she needs a Time-out". Layla said"Dada,No! No Twme-owt". Fury picked her up and sat her in the corner. London said"Sissy hurt Tony. Sissy bad". Fury said"I agree with you there bud". After Layla's Time-out. Rhodey said"Snack-time". Rhodey brought out the snacks and some jucie. A bottle for Tony and a Sippy cup for Wanda. Fury had brought cups for his two. Layla said"How come Tony gets a  Baba and I don't". Fury said"Cause your older than Tony honey". Layla scratched Tony's face. Tony cried and dropped his bottle 🍼. Fury smacked Layla's hand. Fury said"I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong with her Today. We're gonna go. C'mon Lan,we've gotta go". Landon grabbed his cup and followed Fury to the car. After they left it was Naptime. Tony said"No!!! No Nap"!!! Rhodey said"Anthony Stark! You need to Nap or You're gonna be over my knee. I've done it plenty of times so don't think I won't". Tony said"No-No. Fwnes I nwp". Rhodey said"Thats my boy". At night... Rhodey ordered pizza for him,Tony and Wanda. Tony was messy. Rhodey wiped the sauce off his face and said"After dinner I've got to get you two ready for bed". After getting Tony and Wanda getting ready for bed and to bed,Steve had finally returned home.

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