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Jade pov

I walked in the hallway of my school. I had a break so me and my best friend Olivia where walking like whe always do. Our bags where in the class room because whe had 2 lessons in one class room. Olivia looked at her watch and she saw that it whas almost time again. Jade whe have to go back to the class room if whe don't wanna be late Olivia said. I nodded and we walked to the class room. A boy from school had a crush on me so everytime i walked by he would yell cute things to me and i kind of liked it. So whe walked by him and he yelled at me. He said that i whas pretty and i realy liked it of course. We where finnaly in our class room. I saw our teatcher she looked realy sad. She whas not alone the head of our school whas standing next to her. Me and Olivia where sitting next to eatch other like always. We talked for a little bit because the teatcher whas still bizzey with the head of our school. The teatcher walked to me and said can i speak to you for a minute Jade. Oh yes of course i answered. I walked behind here and she lead me to her little room. Pleas sitt down Jade she said to me. I did what she said and I sat on the chair opposite her. Jade i need to tell you somthing she started. Oh alright did i do somthing wrong? No Jade you did not. There has been a accident. What do you mean i asked. Your parents had a accident she said. OMG! are they okey i asked her almost crying. Dear your parents died she said. When i heard her saying that i feeled tears coming out of my eyes. I ran out of the room and through the class room to the toilet. I looked in the mirror and i cried even harder. I took my phone and i tried to call my mother. I heard her voicemail and i started to realize what i just heard. Jade are you alright? That whas the voice of Olivia. I turned around and i saw her standing there. What happend Jade she asked. My parents Olivia they are dead i said still crying. She walked to me and she huged me realy thigh. I don't know what to do Olivia i said. Well let's just go back to the class room i think the teatcher knows what to do now she said. I nodded and we walked back to the class room. All my class mates looked at me and i fealed realy lonely in some way. The teatcher walked to us and whe needed to come with her again. We went to the same little room. Olivia and i satt down. How are you doing now Jade. The teatcher asked. I am doing horrible i said. Okey so the police will be here and they know what to do. Olivia can come with you. Okey but where do i need to sleep now i said worried. The police will fix that the teatcher said. You both can stay here and i will call you when the police is here. And the teatcher walked away.

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