Chapter 8

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Oh my God. This is the most humiliating thing in my entire life. I was being pushed on a luggage cart like a baby! But I had to admit though, Chloé was right, it was a long way. If I walked all that I'd have to find a replacement leg for sure.

"Man this place is huge! We've been walking for hours and we're still not close to the exit yet." I said as we passed a signpost that pointed left, showing the way to the exits. "It's not that big. We got lost a while back-"

"You got us lost!" I exclaimed and glared at Chloé. "Chill, tiny. I know my way around this place. I've been here, like, since I was 2 or 3 months old."

"Says the girl who, I don't know, got us lost!"

"Ok ok. Time to shut up now tiny." Chloé said and flashed me a grin. I groaned and looked away from her, back at the stores lining up one after the other inside the airport.

* * *

"Well, here we are. Home sweet home!" Chloé said as well pulled infront of a luxurious house. My jaw dropped as I saw how big it was. It was huge!

Chloé killed the engine and got out, helping me down if the car after her. She fished out some keys from her jacket pocket and went towards the door. "Come on in." She said and flashed me a smile. She unlocked the door and threw it open. "You go in ahead and make yourself comfortable. I'll get our bags." She said and bwent back to the car.

"Chlo, I insist. Let me take my own bag." I insisted but Chloé brushed me off with a wave of her hand. "Em, please. You have a broken foot. I had to push you around on a luggage cart-"

"I didn't ask you to do that."

She ignored me completely and went on. "I'm not going to let you carry anything until it gets better." She took our bag out from the trunk, closed it and went back inside. She came back and held out a hand for me. "Come on, let me help you up the stairs."

"What stairs? I don't see any stairs."

"There are a flight of stairs inside. I'll help you up." Chloé took my right arm and threw it over her shoulders. I let the clutcher on my hand slide down and leaned on Chloé. As I did so I felt my ride side lift up to meet her height. I knew she was taller than mr but I didn't know she was that taller than me. "Now, let go of your clutcher. It's sort of hurting my back."

"Oh, sorry." I used my other hand to take the clutcher away from my right one and let it fall to the ground. "You're going to have to bring that inside too. Sorry." Chloé side grinned. "It's alright. Now come one. I'll show you to your room."

A/N: it's the weekend so why not? Double updates!

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