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So, I'm sure you are all familiar with Karl's Tales From the SMP, at least I hope. Now I LOVE it so, so much! There's been so much time, care, and effort put into it, it's pretty much impossible to not love it. Now, I'm sure most of you have seen Karl time traveller fanart/headcanons. And those got me thinking a lot.

So, I decided to make a fanfiction, a fanfiction about time traveller Karl Jacobs and all the zany adventures he goes on through time, both to the past and the future.

Tbh, I just love the concept so much, so much that I just had to make a fanfiction about it.

I hope you guys enjoy :)


The sun hangs high in the sky, about a quarter past two. Trees blow slightly in the mid-summer breeze. The sun shines down on the beautiful and...Interestingly built Dream SMP. Tall towers built purely of cobblestone stand high, overshadowing everything and everyone else. Wooden roads covered in potholes with no intention to be fixed sit low on the ground. People mingle about the town, some talking about their mundane lives, others fighting over nuanced and trivial things. However, among everyone, on the outskirts of the city stands one man and that man's name is Karl Jacobs.

Karl Jacobs, a young 22-year-old man, and the treasurer of the great city of L'manburg. He stands at the average height of 5'11. His weight is that of the average man. His hair, a light, wavy brown. His eyes, a light baby blue. His completion, extremely pale. Basically, he's a very average looking guy, which is totally fine. In fact, it's great, nothing wrong with looking average, just stating mere facts.

He walks along one of the many busted and hole filled streets, hands in his multi-coloured hoodie pockets while humming lightly to himself. It's a comfortable sweater, the one he has on. Sure, it's an eyesore in terms of colour combinations but that's what gives it charm. Plus it doesn't really matter what it looks like, because this sweater is the comfiest thing to have every touched Karl's skin.

The front is a rich purple with a green swirl placed in the centre. The sleeves are a variety of colours moving between blue, pink, yellow, and purple. The backside is again, purple but has his initials "KJ" sewed into the back. Lastly, his hoodie is a deep magenta. And like I said before, it is the most comfortable sweater Karl owns and likewise, his favourite.

The man continues to tread down the street, his white and light purple sneakers kicking up dust as he moves. The sun beams radiantly onto his skin, causing him to admit a cheerful glow. It's a lovely day for an afternoon stroll. Karl reaches the end of the road, stepping down onto the soft, green, grass. Karl continues to hum to his favourite songs as he moves into the forest.

Many birch and oak trees stand tall around him, their leaves rustling in the wind and likewise the locks of his hair moving gently about. Birds chirp about, harmonizing with the young man. squirrels scurry about, chacing chipmunks with their cheeks filled with nuts and seeds. It's a fantastic day to be alive and Karl could want nothing more than this at that moment.

He looks around, swaying a bit with his step. He takes in the sights of L'manburg's forest, he basks in the time he has alone. While Karl does enjoy the company of others, he still appreciates the moments he gets to spend alone. Alone in his thoughts, alone to be free and do whatever he pleases. He skips a bit, looking to the ground until something causes him to halt in his tracks. He raises his eyebrows in confusion while tilting his head to the side. "What the heck?" He mutters.

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