Village That Went Mad Part 1:

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Swirls and blasts of colour fly around the young man, he spins uncontrollably in the midst. Trying his best to gain a sense of reality and where things are placed. Karl's head spins, his stomach turns, he swears that if he stays like this for a second or more he'll throw up. Karl looks into the distance, he sees what he originally was chacing after, the book.

Like him, it spins about, flipping through pages and still growing the same neon green light. Karl mimics the motion of swimming, pushing himself towards the object. Once it's barely in reach, he throws an arm out, grasping onto the book. "Gotcha!" He exclaims.

Karl pulls the book to his chest as well as his knees. He continues to spin around, like a pile of clothing in a washing machine. He feels his mind spin, his thoughts trail to various different things. Thoughts of where he is, why he's here, and where he's going. Suddenly, a bright light shines into Karl's eyes. He squints, placing a hand above his forehead to try and see where it's coming from. The end of the vortex shines brightly, nothing is clear, he can't make out a thing. However, Karl gets pulled closer and closer towards the light. While it's intimidating, he doesn't struggle to pull away from it. He simply buries his head into his book and gets ready to brace whatever is to come.

The light engulfs him, for a second everything goes blurry and his mind fuzzes. His mind blanks for a moment or so. Everything draws a blank and Karl travels into the great unknown exspace of the bright light.

Everything goes black. The chirping of birds fills his ears and a slight breeze blows past his face. He feels a shiver run up his spine as his senses start to come to. "Hello?" An ambient voice speaks.

It's unfamiliar. Karl begins to feel his fingers and toes. "Mister, are you ok?"

The voice continues to speak. Karl feels grass brush gently against his face. "Are you... Alive?"

Karl groans a bit, he feels queasy. His eyes start to open, slowly but surely, light meets them. He starts to gain a sense of his surroundings. Everything feels quite like the forest back at L'manburg, it also looks the same. "Mister?" The voice grows much clearer

Karl slowly diverts his eyes from the ground, he looks wide-eyed upon seeing the person before him. They aren't like anyone he's seen before, certainly not someone who lives in L'manburg. A young boy stands above him, hunched over and his eyes are filled with worry. He wears a straw hat with a green leaf attached to the brim. His face is dirty and his light brown hair is matted. His light hazel eyes hold a youthful stare. His clothes, much like the rest of him are dirt-filled and covered in patched-up holes. He wears a simple white shirt with light green trousers.

Karl's eyebrows furrow in confusion. "What the heck?" He mumbles.

The boy lets out an audible sigh of relief. He crouches down, tilting his head to the side. "Are you ok mister?" He asks.

Karl continues to lay on the ground, confused and aloof. He, however, manages to shake himself. Karl pushes himself up with his hands. He nods his head slightly. "Y-yeah, doing just peachy."

The boy lets out another sigh of relief. "Oh, good."

Karl moves to his knees. He turns his head back to the little boy, he swears the guy looks slightly familiar to someone he knows but he can't quite place a finger on it. "Who are you?" Karl asks.

The boy looks, eyes wide, processing the man's words for a moment or so. His face strikes realization, he points to himself. "Me?"

Karl nods. "Yeah, you."

"Oh, ok!"

The boy reaches a friendly hand out, smiling brightly. "My name is Robin! What's yours?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2021 ⏰

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