Flash Gonna Die

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 "Parker!" Flash calls from across the hallway, "you. Here. Now."

Peter quickly walks over to Flash, peering cautiously around the hallway in a search for cameras. Flash seems to realize what he's doing and also looks for cameras. Upon spotting one he grabs Peter and throws him into an empty storage room with no cameras. "What the heck was that in there?"

"W-what? What are you talking about?" Peter stutters.

"You know what I'm talking about! That stunt you pulled with the Avengers? Making everyone think that they know you and with the Avengers? Making everyone think that they know you and have some sort of training with them. I'm not falling for it. You better fess up now or you'll regret it."

"Flash, I- I really don't know what you're talking about."

"Fine then, have it your way, Peter."

The first hit comes, causing Peter's spider-sense to flair up. Warning! incoming hit, face. But he can't do anything about it. From there, each hit comes one after another. Finally, when Peter's slumped up on the floor in a fetal position, Flash decides he's done. "Have fun missing out on the rest of the trip, Peter," he says, leaving the room.

I... I just have to ask FRIDAY for help. She'll send help. "F-FRIDAY?" Peter says to the ceiling.

"What do you need, MiniStark?"

"Can you ask MJ or Ned if they can meet me in whatever room this is? Tell them discreetly and make sure no one sees them leave."

There's a pause and for a second Peter thinks he's doomed to lay here until his healing gives him enough strength to find someone. But then, he hears FRIDAY's voice, "they have been informed and are coming your way."

"Thanks FRIDAY" he manages to say before blinking once... twice... then, darkness.


"Ter...? Eter...?" what? What's the noise, Peter thinks to himself.

"Peter, can you hear us?"

Slowly, he opens his eyes, quickly moving his hand up to shield himself from the bright lights. "Shit, FRIDAY can you dim the lights please?" he hears MJ say before the light in the room seems to go to a darker glow, allowing him to open his eyes again. He looks around. In front of him are his two best friends. "Guys? What happened? How long was I out?"

"Only for about 30 minutes. FRIDAY alerted us that you were hurt and needed us. The intern lab part of the tour is almost over, are you okay?"
"I, uh... I guess? I think so."

"What happened?"

"I... it was... nothing I just..."

"It was Flash wasn't it?"

He sighs, "yeah."

"Y'know, Stark's going to kill him."

"NO! Please, no. Dad can't know. He will kill him and I can't deal with that. People will find out about my relationship with the Avengers and then they might figure out that I'm Spiderman and I don't want to deal with that. Once I graduate and I finally decide it's okay, I'll reveal my identity. Until then I just want to be me, Peter Parker. Ordinary kid who might've gotten accidentally bit by a radioactive spider."

"I know Peter, but... I think he might already know. FRIDAY?"

"Boss and SSMWP (Star Spangled Man with a Plan) have already been alerted. Baby Monitor Protocol, Baby's Got A Boo-Boo has been activated."

Peter groans, "I'm surprised they're not here already. They're probably working on getting Mr. Harrington fired and Flash expelled and took off recommendation for any good college in the country."

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