Camp 1Derland - Chapter 5

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Arielle's POV

Do you know how dreams seem completely sane and realistic when you're having them, yet when you wake up, they're the most impractical things on Earth that anyone could imagine?

When you're in dreamland, it seems perfectly normal that you met One Direction in the airport because they were stuck there due to bad weather. The situation that the power at the airport went out, so the boys came to stay at your house, which still had electricity, seems like an everyday occurrence. And throwing a party afterwards at your house with the boys, isn't that what people do all the time?

Or maybe that time when you went to Fazoli's, which just happened to be on an island, and One Direction just magically happened to be doing a meet and greet there? And then afterwards, Justin Bieber showed up and tried to flirt with you, so Louis shoved him in the water, and then came up to you and handed you a piece of paper with his phone number on it, after which he winked at you and said “Call me maybe?”.

When you're dreaming, anything could happen, and it all makes perfect sense. Or at least, you let it make perfect sense. In your dreams, you never question that something incredibly impossible is happening. You never stop to think, “Is this real? Are you sure this is happening?”. Instead, you roll with the punches and let things do their things, and somehow you believe that it'll all work out.

After you wake up, the vision of your mind is usually blurry, and the details are often swirling in your mind, all jumbled up, like the letters on a page of a book that you looked at when you were only a year old. But sometimes, if you're lucky, you can remember bits and bolts, and piece them together into a picture, like a puzzle.

The sheer impossibility of things makes you feel power run through your veins. You feel as if you're floating on a cloud, and nothing can bring you down. Normal everyday reality has no meaning to you; the troubles that constantly haunt you can be shredded. For once, you are at peace, and your vision of the future overtakes the present. And you ask yourself, “Is this real?”.

That's how I feel right now. Like this can't possibly be real, not in a million years. Staring at my computer screen, looking at that email, it can't be real. And yet, my eyes can't be deceiving me, can they? It's right there, right there.

My heart was racing like a marathon runner as I quickly clicked on the subject, which popped up the full email. There was a lot of legal stuff, and an attached document of more that had to be filled out. But this was 100% real, not a dream, and I let out the biggest shriek I had ever let out, not even knowing if it had been possible for me to make a sound that shrill.

“ARIELLE? ARIELLE, WHAT'S WRONG? ARE YOU OK? ARIELLE! ARIELLE, ANSWER ME!”, I heard my mom's very concerned voice ring throughout the house, rapid feet descending up the stairs. She probably thought I was being attacked by a serial killer, oh gosh. My door flung open, and my mom rushed in carrying a baseball bat, looking like she was ready to pounce at any second. “ARIELLE, WHAT'S WRONG?”

“I-I-I... W-W-W-O-O-N-N-N... M-M-M-O-O-M...” I was crying hysterically now, tears flowing down my cheeks and onto my trembling hands.

My mom sighed, slowly leaning the baseball bat against the frame of my bed, and gently sat down next to me, placing her hand on my shoulder, “Honey, what are you talking about?”

I tried to regain my composure, taking in deep breaths before finally responding, “The Camp 1Derland thing. I won. I was one of the fifteen girls chosen.”

My mom looked taken aback by this statement. It was definitely not something she had expected to come out of my mouth. She seemed at a loss for words, as she tried to figure out the right thing to say, “Arielle, I love you. But, honey, are you sure? It could just be a scam or something. And even if it isn't, I just don't know about this. What do you even have to do?”

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