Camp 1Derland - Chapter 3

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Arielle's POV

Oink! Oink! Oink!

I groaned and rolled over in bed, burying my face in my pillow to block out the sound coming from my alarm clock that my cousins had got for me for Christmas during my year of 6th grade. For as long as I could remember, I'd had an obsession with pigs, which caused me to get a lot of stuffed animals and other pig-related items given to me over the years, which I proudly kept on display in my room amongst my One Direction merchandise. As much as I loved pigs, five and a half years of waking up to a deafening oinking had started to take its toll, and I hated the sound more and more with every passing day.

Oink! Oink! Oink!

"UGH, CAN YOU PLEASE JUST SHUT UP FOR ONCE?!" I screamed at the clock, flinging my stuffed pig I had named Porky at it, which caused the batteries to pop out as it fell to the ground, silencing it. Whoops. I had never really been a morning person.

I began to stretch and pull off my covers, yawning. I was so tired because I'd stayed up until 4:00am listening to Take Me Home while surfing Twitter and fangirling with all of my followers over the Camp 1Derland concept. Twitter had been insane after the announcement, with Camp 1Derland constantly dominating five of the trending topics throughout the night.

As I slowly climbed out of my bed, I knelt down and picked up my alarm clock and the displaced batteries, pushing them back into their sockets, and then carefully placing it back on my nightstand. All I wanted to do was go back to sleep, but I had promised Natalie yesterday that I would pick her up at 1:00 so we could go out to eat to celebrate our junior graduation. I knew that if I didn't get up now, I'd be late, because it always seems to take me forever to get ready. So with that, I trudged over to my closet to pick out an outfit for the day, settling on a ruffled pink tank top and dark skinny jeans. After I was finished showering and getting ready, I glanced at my silver watch, which read 12:47, just enough time to get to Natalie's house. I grabbed my studded silver Union Jack purse I had bought at dELiA*S last November when I had went Black Friday shopping and ran down the stairs, saying a quick goodbye to my mom before dashing out the front door with my keys in hand.

As I drove to Natalie's house, the only thing on my mind was Camp 1Derland. Talking about it all night with my Twitter friends had only made the excitement grow. The whole concept was mindblowing.

I arrived at the curb of Natalie's house and beeped my car horn in order to let her know I was waiting. A few seconds later, she emerged out of her front door, purse in hand. She swiftly walked down her driveway and opened the passenger door, ducking her head to climb in.

"Hey, Nat. So where to?"

"Mm, I don't know."

"Sorry, I Don't Know closed three years ago. Pick again," I laughed sarcastically. I Don't Know had been a restaurant in our town that opened a few years back, but closed two years later because it didn't get much business, which surprised me, considering how clever I found the name.

She smirked and replied in an equally sarcastic tone, "Ari, remind me why you're not starring in at nightly act at a comedy club in New York?"

"Beats me, because let's be honest, I'm hilarious."

"Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night."


"Psh, ok. Seriously though, where do you want to eat?"

"Well, if you're asking me, my vote goes to Olive Garden." Olive Garden has been my favorite restaurant for as long as I can remember, and I never turned down an opportunity to eat there.

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