Camp 1Derland - Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Directioners of the World (:

Liam’s POV

“Zayn, watch out!” Niall screamed, whilst dodging a pellet of bullets.

Zayn quickly dove behind the couch, following Niall’s lead. “Hey, Louis!”

Louis spun around with a look of terror in his eyes, but before he could react, Zayn and Niall were rapid firing bullets towards him from their position behind the couch.

“AAHHHH!” Louis shrieked, dramatically falling to the ground clutching his stomach.

“Louis, noooooooooooo!” Harry screamed just as dramatically, almost as if he were in a slow motion movie. He knelt down beside Louis’ fallen body. “Lou, speak to me!”

“Harry… I’ve been shot… you have to go on without me.”

“Louis, I can’t leave you… We’re in this together.”

“Go, Harry. Go before they get you too… Do it for me.”

“I won’t ever forget you, Lou,” Harry said, standing up just as Zayn and Niall had reloaded and were about to fire.

“Aha!” Harry pulled the trigger and watched as Niall and Zayn fell backwards. “VICTORY IS OURS, LOU!”

I watched from my position on the couch across the room as Louis took Harry’s hand and stood up, giving him a big high-five. I smiled and sighed. The four other boys had been having a Nerf gun war, with Harry and Louis as a team against Niall and Zayn. I, on the other hand, had decided to spend some time on Twitter doing a following spree, and also managing to tweet a few pics of the boys’ Nerf battle. They were always doing crazy things like this, but that’s part of the reason why I loved them all so much. We were like five brothers who loved messing around with each other.

As Harry and Louis continued their celebration by jumping around like little five year old boys, Niall and Zayn came up to them. “Good game, lads,” Niall laughed. “A well fought out battle.”

“Now that you guys have had your fun, you should check out Twitter. It’s exploding with tweets and trends from Directioners,” I spoke up.

They walked over to where I was sitting and sat down next to me, with Niall on one side and Harry on the other, with Zayn and Louis perched on the edges.

“Directioners Love 1D”, “One Direction Makes Us Beautiful”, “1D Light Up Our World Like Nobody Else”, “We Want to Stay Up All Night with 1D”, and “One Direction Do A Twitcam” all flooded the screen of my laptop.

“Wow, our fans sure have been busy lately on Twitter,” Louis laughed.

“Yeah, I checked and they’ve been trending ALL day. I think we should do something for them to thank them for everything they do,” I said.

“That’s a good idea, Liam. What are you thinking of, a Twitcam or something?” Zayn added.

“I do think we should do a Twitcam together later. But I also think it’d be cool to do something massive, something we’ve never done before as well.”

“Like what? A contest?” said Harry.

“A contest, yeah, that would be good. But I don’t really know what kind of a contest…”

“Haha, maybe the Hunger Games, Nando’s style?” Niall laughed. “Because I’m craving some Nando’s right now.”

“Now isn’t really the time for jokes, Niall. We really need to think of an ide-“

“Wait, that’s not actually a bad idea, Niall! Well, maybe the Nando’s and ‘fight to the death’ part, but the rest might not be half bad!” Louis contemplated, while pointing his finger at Niall.

“Care to explain, Lou? I’m completely lost.”

Louis smirked. “A competition, kind of like the Hunger Games, but without all the killing and such. We could hold a lottery drawing of Directioners and the winners get to compete in a gameshow this summer and the winner could get a special One Direction prize.”

“I like the concept, but do you really think we could pull it off? And would people seriously want to sign up?”

“I think they would. It’s not like we’d actually be entering people into the Hunger Games or anything. And come on, we’re One Direction. We can pull anything off if we want to,” Louis laughed.

“I like the idea. It’s creative.” Harry intervened.

“Yeah, it’s different,” added Zayn. “No one has done anything like this before.”

“Well then lads, should we be the first?” questioned Niall with a smirk on his face.

“I say yes. Let’s talk to management and get their opinion. We can get the details worked out and hopefully have a Twitcam to announce it later in the week if everything goes smoothly.”

“Sounds good to me,” said Harry, as the rest of the boys nodded in agreement.

“One last thing before we go talk to them. What do you boys think we should call this little competition?”

While the rest of the band seemed to be deep in thought, Louis had no trouble speaking up. “Camp 1Derland,” he smiled.

“Cheesy much?” I laughed. “I like it though. Do you guys?”

“I like anything my Louis comes up with,” Harry joked, batting his eyelashes.

“Oh, Harry, you dashing jokester. I think you might have some competition from Eleanor though,” Louis smirked.

Niall and Zayn grinned and laughed.

“Well, it’s settled then. Boys, welcome to Camp 1Derland.”


Hahha, so what did you guys think of chapter one? It sucked, right? xD Well, whatever you thought, please leave a comment below and tell me what you thought! (Even if it sucked.) Or tell me if there's anything you would suggest I improve on. This is my first story on Wattpad, so any tips would be appreciated. I don't know how often I'll be able to update because of school, but I promise you, I WILL FINISH THIS FANFIC. It won't be one of those stories that you read, and then halfway through, it stops. I promise. xx

Also, if I made any spelling or grammatical errors, let me know and I'll fix it ASAP. Thanks so much for reading and for any comments or votes or fans or whatever else you do on Wattpad. ;D

Welcome to Camp 1Derland. Are you ready? (;

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