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Ten works at a gay bar as the sexiest and cutest bartender in the city. He meets hundreds of people everyday but this one guy who comes on saturdays is his absolute favorite. He has scenarios in his head where he wants to suck the soul out of him and what it would be like to get fucked by someone like him.

Everytime they get to interact, Ten chickens out at the last minute but this time, he is determined to start a conversation. He thinks this is one sided but little does he know is that the other male has been checking him out as well.

7:00 pm

"He must be here any moment"
Ten thought as he kept on fidgeting with the steel straw and stomping the floor with only his toes.

The order of looking outside the window and then to the right and left has been repeated a thousand times tonight but the said male didnt turn up.

Ten sighs as he hits a sudden realisation that he had lost his chance and nothing will ever start between him and the red head.

Just when he was about to leave the counter a figure familiar to Ten appeared in front of him. The guy wore a black hoodie and grey loose trousers with matte black boots on and looked no less than perfect.

A smile soon appeared on Ten's face after letting his eyes see the sight they've been craving for. He stood up and made his way to the table where the red haired male was sitting.

It took him all his courage to ask him for his order but the hesitation soon disappeared as their eyes met. The red head squinted and tilted his head just to come close to the cute bartender's face catching him off guard.

Ten wide eyed takes a few steps back as he notices how close their faces were.

"W-What would y-you like to h-have" Ten asked almost stuttering at every word.

"The speciality here" said the red head chuckling a bit.

"Any s-specific t-type-" Ten speaks again as he felt the other male's gaze on him.

"Yes" the red haired male said coming even more close to Ten's face if that was possible.

"What is it?" Ten gulped air.

"I wonder what you taste like"

Ten's eyes went wide as he saw the male in front of him grab his waist and pull him close. The other two guys who seemed to be sitting at the same table looked at them smirking.

"Get a room guys" one of them must have said.

"Shall we?" said the red head holding Ten's hand and guiding the way through the crowd. They soon came at a peaceful place which was the back of the bar where a dim streetlamp appeared to be spreading just the perfect amount of light so that they could see each other's face.

The red head slid the hoodie off his head exposing his mysterious but handsome face. Ten gulped as he scanned the other male's eyes, nose, lips, neck and how he had no marks there at all.

"Done checking me out?" said the red head.

"I-I was not-" Ten stammered and eventually stopped mid way as the grip on his waist tightened.

"Since when have you been checking me out" the red head smiled.

"Uh- a few m-months- I guess" Ten said managing to get himself out of the tight grip.

"And may I ask why is that" the red head smirked looking down straight into the cute bartender's dark brown eyes.

"Because.. i-i.. like y..you" Ten said looking to the other side.

The red head only smiled as Ten frowned.

"W-wait.. you don't have to like m-me back its just that i-i am gay" Ten said feeling embarrassed because he thought he gave in too easily.

"And so am i. Isn't that the reason why you work here and i come here often" the red head said loosening the grip onto Ten's waist.

Ten nodded but something clicked in his head.

"Wait, what do you mean by you come here often?" Ten asked out of curiosity.

"I just... come here often" the red head said shrugging his shoulder.

"But.. you make it sound like you do that, on purpose?" Ten mumbled the last part but was loud enough for the other male to hear.

The red head chuckled and pulled Ten close again.

"Because I have this thing called a big fat crush on you"

Ten's eyes widened. His heart felt a sudden urge to pump an insane amount of blood as he felt a pair of lips on his.

The red haired guy leaned in making Ten shut his eyes and gasp for him to gain more access and he did.

Ten stepped back and hit the wall as he felt his hands pinned over his head. The other male pressed his body onto Ten's closing every gap between them.

The moment the red head slid his tongue inside Ten's mouth a shaky moan left his lips. Anyone in their right senses could see how heated the situation got but the red head had plans.

He pulled away leaving a string of saliva connecting their lips which was also cut by him as he licked Ten's lips.

"Look at you, a whole mess shamelessly making out with a stranger with those eyes which hold nothing but lust in them" the red head said letting go of Ten's wrists.

"And what if I say I've been dying for this moment" Ten said seductively.

"Well then I guess we have to introduce ourselves to each other properly" the red head said.

"I'm Ten, the sexiest and cutest bartender in the city"

"I'm Taeyong and I'm currently working as a teacher in one of the elementary schools around this place"

Ten just smiled and nodded.

"Also the guy by whom you're about to get destroyed" Taeyong said as he held Ten's wrists dragging him to his car.

Ten gasped but a smirk appeared on his face because he knew he'll be introduced to some new things soon and that included having to see Taeyong's naked body on top of his own and he was up for it.

They got inside the car as Taeyong started the engine.

Shall we begin the ride?

Yes please.

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