19. caramel coffee

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caramel coffee

Angeline took a deep breath, finding herself not too fond of the damp scent of the woods. Morning had bled into midday and the sun was high above, although they were shielded by the tall trees surrounding them. About an hour ago, they'd stopped so Mitch could properly assess Angeline's feet and she was now walking by herself beside the slightly older man.

"Angeline, do you think we could quicken the pace a little?"

She glared up at Mitch. "No."

He sighed heavily but made no further comments. They trudged along in silence, every step dirtying Angeline's white Converse even further. She thought being stuck in a motel room with Mitch had been bad, but this was far worse. They weren't bickering, in fact, they hadn't spoken at all, but all Angeline wanted to do was sit down and process everything that had just happened.

"Where are we going, exactly?" Angeline wondered out loud.

"Somewhere I can plug my laptop into," Mitch replied, "I need to contact my superior. ASAP."

"For a new car?"


Mitch marched along, slowing down every time he moved too quickly and remembered Angeline was struggling. It felt like an eternity has passed before they made it to a gate that led out into what appeared to be a playground. He pushed open the gate and slipped on a pair of sunglasses, warning Angeline to do the same.

"I didn't want us to be so out in public, but I guess there's nothing we can do about it," Mitch muttered.

It was a Thursday at about 12 pm, so the playground was only filled with younger children and a few dog walkers who strolled by, not even sparing Mitch and Angeline a second glance. He grabbed a hoodie out of his bag and flung it over to her.

Angeline hauled it on over the dress she was wearing, pulling the hoodie over her head. It smelt just like him and was oddly reassuring in a way.

They walked past the park and made it to the main road, cars whizzing by quickly. Mitch seemed not to like how overt they were, and he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and brought her into his chest as they got to some traffic lights.

"We need to act like we're together," Mitch muttered lowly, "Less people will stare."

After a couple of seconds of contemplating Mitch's words, Angeline wrapped her arm around his torso to hold him on the other side as they waited for the light to go red. As soon as it did, Mitch grabbed her hand, his long fingers intertwining with hers.

"Just don't even look at anybody else."

Across the road was what looked like a small village area. There were a few drugstores, a pharmacist, some high street clothing brands. Angeline was barely paying attention when Mitch led them over to a cafe.

"Go sit over there. In that corner," Mitch ordered in her ear as they moved to the queue. "Just grab your book out."

Angeline didn't protest but did as she was told. Minutes later, Mitch arrived with a black coffee and, much to her surprise, a caramel one for her— just like she had always liked. She thanked him and began to sip at her drink whilst Mitch opened up his laptop, plugging it into the wall nearby.

He started to type, his eyes only occasionally looking up when someone walked nearby. Angeline tried to read her book, but she couldn't really focus knowing that her father really was looking for her. It still felt like she could feel that man's hands on her shoulders, trying to keep her in the car.

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