Flaming Eyes ~ 22

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Izuku POV

i started to shake and cry not being able to know what to say. I knew I had to tell him, he would find out eventually... Kachann was always smart, but how was I supposed to just say that now after only being back with each other for about a week or so. He probably wasn't mentally ready for this.... What would Kachann think of me now...... I don't wanna lose him not yet I just got him back I don't wanna lose him....

I felt arms snake around my and i tried to calm my breathing and wipe the tears.

"Cmon tell me Izu I can't fucking read minds and your making me feel sappy and i don't like that shit" I laughed a bit throwing away the tissue and wiping my eyes again turning to him and holding his hands

"Please don't leave me.."
I watched as his ears sank down a little

"I ain't going to leave you dumbass, tell me"

"I-i..... I have..... C-cancer....... I-I've had it for the l-last year........ It's getting really bad....." I cried aloud, clinging tightly to him









HAHAHHAHAA Just kidding sorry I felt the big need to add that because.... well blame amoivostricommenti they made me. There was no other option I felt the need to after he/she/or they made me feel the need to fool yall get ReKt (dont actually hate on them tho or smth its a joke from the comment convo I had with them in the previous chap. anyway just continue reading sorry lmao i hate myself)

im not actually sorry ;)

"The heat... I-i realized it after but the first time....." I gulped looking down shaking my head and then back up.

"Every other time we did it we used a condom, but the first w-we we didn't" I started shaking as I saw him slowly get the message and come to the realization himself.

"I-i knew something wasn't right so w-while you were busy I snuck down and stole a couple of tests to make sure, and they were all positive... And then the smell started coming and i-i-i don't know what to do." I started crying again. For all, I know, he could just end up letting the mark fade away and send me off or lock me in a dungeon so that people wouldn't know or maybe he wanted me to abort it...

"That's great" I heard him husk out, chuckling a bit and sliding his hands up my thighs to my stomach. I shot my head up confused and again I saw a genuine smile on his face, a calmed happy look that I knew only I saw.

"I think it would be best to hide this for now....." He said quietly.

"However I ain't leaving you and were keeping this pup no matter what, Now it all makes sense I suppose..." He trailed off, smiling a sharp-toothed fanged grin.

"I'm glad it's you carrying my pups." He said softly cringing a bit at himself of how sappy he was being but I loved it and I hugged him close sighing of relief. I giggled as he kissed down my neck and sweat glands softly. I was happy as kachann didn't hate me...

 I knew deep down he would never hate me or do any of those things to be, and I knew Kachann would be a great alpha for the pup and would take care of him or her omega or alpha as his prized possession.

"That pup in there is going to walk this earth as a fucking god, they have my blood pumping through their damn veins they will be treated as such too" he smirked, and I laughed at his determination it was cute and just like Kachann to say that basically, his pups were the best which I believe I could agree with. Someone knocked on the door, telling us the guests have begun to arrive. Before we left, we put a clear patch over my glands so that people wouldn't be suspicious of my smell.

It was a fun party, it was a bit stressful, to say the least from all the people coming up to me and greeting me, I felt like I had so much responsibility that I was meant to be perfect around everyone which made me feel a bit insecure because I knew I truly wasn't. I eventually got separated from Kachann which stressed me out more as I was alone without my alpha to protect me. It was wimpy, yeah I know, but the pregnancy made it even more of a worry to my instincts to stay near him. I think that's what was also making his smell so strong in my nose because I wanted to always be near him and close. I sighed finding a table and sitting down calming my tense muscles a bit.  I had to admit, this dress wasn't terrible, but I still wanted to wear a suit at our wedding.

I was watching through the night as girls mostly from my camp but some i didn't recognize glare and growl at me in disgust and jealousy, I assumed since, of course, they didn't get Kachann I did. I think it made me a bit happy to see them so jealous, but it made me self-conscious. I mean they were so pretty, why would he choose some green-haired nerdy omega like me? I know we are fated mates and all, but he didn't have to choose me. I sighed and looked down, shaking my head from the awful thoughts running in my head. Tonight I wasn't going to cry, jeez no crying Izuku! Everything is ok and alpha is just a few feet away, I smiled and nodded to myself, looking up to see Kachann talking to some people not too far which calmed my senses a bit.

"Hey rat face" so much for being ok...

"H-hi Jessy... I didn't know you were here" I tried to wobble on a smile but kinda failing as I looked to see her small posse of 2 other omegas. One that used to be my friend too when I first came to that camp.

"Hi Jessy" she mocked in a squeaky voice as the other two giggled behind her.

"You stole what was mine, you little slimy rat!" She whined, yelling stepping a foot closer.

"You should have just stayed in your damn pathetic place with the rest of them! He doesn't even want you, he just feels fucking sorry for you! He knew you couldn't find another alpha with that pathetic unappealing body of yours, so he took pity!" She laughed and swished her hair behind her shoulder.

"That's... T-that isn't true he loves me, he always has"

"Oh please cut the bullshit Seaweed mud, there isn't anything to love on your fragile little bones, just one kick to the ribs would send you back 50 bones broken." She growled again stepping closer as my eyes water, and she snatched her hand into the collar of my dress pulling me off the chair to stand in front of her.

"Look at you pathetic rat, he even dressed you like a girl with a dress and heels because he rather had a girl than some slimy no good booty call. Why don't you ever listen! Stay in your damn-!"

"HEY" The loud voice boomed.. Looking over to see beaming hot red flaming eyes.



Anywhoooo so how do you like the story? I think my writing has definitely gotten better. At least i hope so anyway ._. Anywhooooo......... Have a good day


Word count: 1286

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