A Few Minutes ~ 17

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3rd Person POV

"I guess we've both changed a lot." Katsuki said to Izuku, Izuku laughed and smiled still crying "yeah I guess we have." Izuku looked up to Katsuki, "Do you still..... Love me..." Izuku asked timidly. 

Katsuki with a surprised look on his face watched Izuku as he continued, "you're a king now... Your royalty... You have everything you want, all the boys and girls at your disposal... So why would you want me."

 Izuku could feel his heartburn saying that as he cried silently. Katsuki looked at him for a minute. "If I wanted someone else, I could've done that already, you idiot. You're right. I'm a king now, I could have anyone I want. Yet, I didn't go for anyone. Because they aren't special like you Izuku." Katsuki looked into Izuku, sparkling eyes filled with tears as one poured down Izuku's cheek as a shy smile crept to his lips. 

"KING, YOU'VE BEEN CALLED, IT'S IMPORTANT." A servant yells as Katsuki groans irritated at the interruption, getting up putting his hand out "ill take you to my room." 

Izuku took his hand, getting up and walking with him into the cobbled castle, very beautiful. The floors are hard dark wood with red bright rugs. Katsuki took Izuku up the stairs, some looked at them, looked like some were starting to gossip. 

Katsuki pulled Izuku into his room, pulling Izuku onto the bed on top of Katsuki, grabbing his waist. Izuku blushed from the sensation he felt in his stomach from being held again by Katsuki. "Sir, are you coming?" A servant says through the door. Katsuki growls, rolling his eyes irritated. He was just reunited with his mate to be sent away for some stupid issue. " I'll be there in a minute." Katsuki kissed the top of Izukus's head, telling him he would be back then walking out of the room. Izuku smiled a little saddened by the loss of Katsuki's touch, but he could wait a few minutes

Sorry for this short part I've been busyy also decided to write this one in a third person pov which i usually dont do. Anyway see you!


Word count: 365

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