Chapter 12: Negotiations with the Grand High Migan.

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"Fandy not misinterpret, Seston Migan Grand High Migan say no. It just hard to translate." Fandy nodded again, and again Michelle felt like the Aghar lady was keeping something back. She sighed and looked to Talitha and Sarah.

"I'm going to need a spell or blessing that enables me to talk to the Aghar chieftain, I suppose."

"There is one," Sarah said with a wry smile, "but it won't last much more than an hour."

"If I can't reach an agreement with him by then, it's not going to happen." She exhaled and looked at Fandy again. "You know I'm going down there to talk to him myself. Are you certain you don't want to change your story?"

Fandy swallowed, trembling afflicting her limbs. "Fandy not want make trouble," she said in a wavering tone, "but Seston Migan is very bad Aghar. Worst kind. His deals involve things Michelle never do. Things with her body. And his body. Fandy not want Michelle angry with Seston Migan Grand High Migan, because if she fight there, we all die. Too many. Even for our clan."

Michelle paled and glanced in the direction the gully dwarf clan were living. "He wanted me to sleep with him for their cooperation?"

"Seston Migan not like normal Aghar. Not like Fandy either. Even if Michelle do what he ask, he probably not help anyway. He compel clan by fear, yes, but others in clan defend him if Michelle fight. There would be much death. Fandy not be part of that."

"Okay Fandy, I can understand that. I think I will go back to see him tomorrow, though. With Branchala's blessings. See if I can't talk him into something else. While I am doing that though, I want you to talk to the other Aghar down there. Let's find out some more about Seston Migan. He didn't seem to be as scared as most Aghar I've known. And to request that in return for helping us to defend his people. Well. That's not the kind of thing I would expect from Aghar to be honest. They seem more interested in staying alive than in base passions." A line had formed on her brow. "Fandy: do you have that trick that works as armor for a long time?"

"No, but Simon does. He offer to paper-speak some for me to use. Could have one tomorrow if you need."

"Yes, I think that's a good idea. I'll see if I can't get a private meeting with the Grand High Migan. That would be needed to accommodate his request, after all." She glanced at Sarah. "I'd like the weapon blessing too, if that's possible. Then Fandy goes down to speak with the Aghar, and I'll deal with Seston."

"On your own?" Sarah's normally happy expression was troubled now. "I'm not sure that's a good idea, Michelle."

"It's the only way I can get him to play along," Michelle said. "Don't worry, I'll take the sap as well. In fact, I'll take most of my gear. He just won't be able to see it."

There were several looks directed at Michelle from the women about her. "No," she said, "I'm not going to do that. But I need him to think it's a possibility. That way I can get close enough to him to use the sap."

"I think I should go with Fandy," Talitha said. "If you won't take Sarah, at least let me come and be nearby if there's trouble."

"Fine, but I want Sarah up here to watch in case there's an enemy patrol. Until everything is carefully concealed, we're kind of exposed out here. And stay near to me not to Fandy. I doubt they will say much to Fandy with you looming over them – they'd be terrified."

"I think this is very foolish, Michelle."

"We need their help. If we have to work through this Seston to get it, I'll do it, but I won't give him that. We'll find another arrangement."

"What other arrangement do you think he will go for?"

"I don't know yet, but obviously I'm the one he fancies. So it has to be me talking to him. In private. Perhaps I'll cuddle up and smack him on the head with the sap. Tie him up. Might get a better agreement if he feels in danger."

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