The big plan

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"An alien space ship!" Guppy squealed in excitement. Missy then hushed everyone. "Listen!" She whispered. We all waited a few seconds and heard nothing "we can't hear anything." Wild card shrugged. "Wait!" Missy hushed him. We all listened very carefully this time and surprisingly we heard a loud roar coming from a Bush close to the ship. "How do we get over there?" At this time everyone was whispering because we were afraid that we would get heard. "We run" missy said. "What? Are you joking?" Wild card hissed. "Hey don't worry we'll all get over to there I promise" I encouraged everyone. Everyone gave me a light smile apart from wild card his stubborn acts just made him go first. Everyone else started to run making it to the ship.

"Ok how do we fly this?" Fast forward asked. "I-I don't know!" Wheels panicked creating a loud noise for the monsters to hear. "Oh god..wait everyone isn't here!" Wheels freaked out. "Yes we are!" Wild card slammed his hand down on the pilot chair. "No we're not! Slo-Mo!!" I yelled pointing to him, he was trying to move as fast as he could but the monsters were quicker. somehow A capella had time to sing chariots of fire but not worry about her friend!...Noodles luckily wrapped his arm around slo-mo pulling him in. Ok good everyone was in but we still didn't know how to move! Guppy then sighed hitting a green button. Of course! Green means go!. The ships doors then closed sending us off into the air flying into space. It was quite spacious.. I went to the back of the ship and sat down, i pulled my knees to my chest closing my eyes picturing everyone safe with their families.. I didn't know what to do.. my mother is gone and so is my father.. I have no one. I opened my eyes to see wild card sitting next to me. No one was looking at us. They were too bothered about something else.

After a few moments of silence he spoke "I'm sorry..for you know.." I chuckled softly "it's fine.." it was quite intimidating being this quiet with eachother, I didn't like it. "I don't like quiet." I coughed hiding my face. He nodded agreeing with me "wow... that's a first" I smiled. "Hmm?" He hummed with a bit of laughter in his voice. "I'm pretty sure that's the first time you've genuinely smiled y/n" he spoke with truth. I couldn't deny the fact I was smiling in fact I couldn't stop smiling especially since me and him were on good terms again. "I like you like this" I confessed. His face changed from a serious look to a soft, warm feel. "Thanks..?" Confused but grateful he thanked me. "I like...nevermind" his old dark and mysterious vibe came back. "We shouldn't be doing this. We have to safe our parents that's what we are focusing on not friendship." He clicked his tongue walking away. Seriously? Like seriously! This is why I don't trust people they leave like everyone else in my life has. I can never be happy. I could feel the anger rising in my bloodstream but Wheels came over and gave me a light tap on the arm making sure I was ok.

"I'm fine.." I answered his touch. "You don't look like it" he giggled helping me up. "Come on let's go see Missy!" His eyes fluttered with excitement. I could tell he liked my company. We went over to Missy at the control panel at the front of the ship. "Hey wheels!, hey y/n" she calmly greeted us. I nodded my head giving her a small greeting. "So.. whats going on with you two?" She had a smug look on her face with a brow raised. Wheels was quick to reply "w-what? O-oh we're just friends" his words jumbled at his pace. I laughed setting a good mood for everyone well.. at least everyone.. I could feel his cold, icy eyes piercing the back of my head, I could ignore him which would probably have to be the best option in my opinion. Then again I could go talk to him but I had this weird feeling in my stomach that wouldn't go away.. maybe I was sick? Whatever I have to focus.. maybe Wild card was right, maybe I should forget about friendship and focus on getting back my father and saving the world.


I turned around hearing someone call my name or so I thought someone called my name..


There it was again! I walked around the ship which ended up with everyone looking at me with concern.


Again! But louder.. I started to pant. I could hear something i couldn't see.


"Stop.." I said quietly.



"Y/n are you alright?.." A capella slowly placed her hand on my back.


"Stop stop stop! STOP!" I screamed before blacking out.

 Wild Card X Reader ( My Wild Card )Where stories live. Discover now