1. Step one - Activate Disguise

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"Savannah! It's past 8, get in the car now!"

"Coming!" I rushed down the stairs, tripping on a toy and landing flat on my face.

"God, would you stop being such a klutz? We need to go now. I will not be late on the first day." Lincoln yelled from the front door. Lincoln, my brother, was always really adamant on the importance of first impressions. He was really opposed to the move, claiming that it would somehow 'ruin his life' or something like that. Thankfully, it was already in the works with my parents' jobs, I don't think I could have lasted another second in LA.

I ran out the door, slamming it and yelling: "Love you mom, love you dad!" and jumped straight into Lincoln's Audi A3 convertible.

"Damn it Savannah, I told you to stop doing that. The door's there for a reason." At this point, I knew responding would just aggravate him more so I shot Linc a sheepish smile while readjusting my glasses on my nose. "Okay, Savannah, this whole idea is stupid. Why do you think that glasses, a change in wardrobe and dying your hair brown will make you a different person? I mean, come on."

"Well, it's worth a shot. I just want to be normal for once. I want to live the high school experience without people lying and pretending to like me." I don't get why he won't just drop it. For the past 4 years, everyday has been filled with photoshoots, interviews, movies, tv shows... etc. Let's just say that when I was 13, I got lucky and a modelling scout saw me walking down the street. Next thing I know, I'm getting signed to movies and record labels left and right. Thankfully, due to my initial young age, my agent recommended a stage name: Kayla Stevens. Flashfoward, now I'm 17 years old and I'm about to enter my senior year at Ward Melville High School with my twin brother Lincoln, and my real name: Savannah Keys.

"I know. It's just, you've always left me in the background, I'm worried you're too excited for the most boring experience you'll ever deal with. Just be careful, you've been shielded basically your entire teenage life and you don't really know what people our age are like." Before I had time to respond, we rolled up in front of the high school and parked on the left side of the building. Okay. Deep breaths Savannah, deep breaths.

"Savannah! Come on, we have less than 15 minutes before we have to be in our homeroom and we still have to get out schedules."

"Okay, relax. I'm on my way." Well this is it. The beginning of Savannah, and the end of Kayla.

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The hallways inside the school were bleak. I mean, what else do you expect from a large concrete rectangle? Thankfully, no one has been giving me any weird or suspicious looks which means my 'disguise' must be successful. Thank goodness.

"Hurry up. I cannot believe that you are actually staring at walls. Time is of the essence dear sister." Oh crud, Lincoln was starting to get annoyed. That's never a good sign.

"I'm sorry." I ran into the door with the word 'Office' on it right behind Lincoln. This is it, this is the moment I've been waiting for since I was 13.

"Names?" Honestly, I was expecting a little bit of a warmer welcome on my first day. Dang it, this is gonna be a drastic shift from my past few years.

"Lincoln and Savannah Keys"

"Okay, here are your schedules. If you need to find a classroom, just ask any random student in the hallway. Good luck." Well that was quick. Let me see, my schedule seems to be pretty good; AP Literature, AP Politics, AP Biology and Music. Oh no. Music, what am I going to do? I'll just pretend like I can't sing and play the violin. Problem solved.

"Lincoln, what's your schedule like?" No reply.

"Lincoln?" I turn around and well, Lincoln's gone. I should be more careful about not upsetting him, it's been tough on him for the past few days. Having to uproot your life and move to a small town in the middle of Long Island isn't easy when it's based on your family's decisions.

I've decided that the best way to stay under the radar and to stay undercover is by keeping a low profile socially. I don't care if I'm head cheerleader or whatever, all I want is one year of normality. No dating, I don't want to lie to someone about who I really am. Okay, let's do this. I start walking down the stairs, looking for my homeroom when next thing you know, I'm flying forward and onto something. Or should I say someone.

Stupid shoelaces.

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Author's Note:

This is my first story both on Wattpad and on anything. Well, except for those mandatory short stories you have to write for english class in 8th grade, but those don't really count in my opinion.

This introduction is just setting the mood to the rest of the story and I know it's short, but I promise that the chapters following suit will be longer in length. Then again, it is quality, not quantity.

Okay, well I think that's all I wanted to say. Oh, and I hope you liked it :)

The picture on the side is Erin Heatherton, who I picture as Savannah. If you have an image in your head, just ignore it.


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