3. What's in the meatloaf?

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When the bell finally rang, I was able to easily find Becca in front of the cafeteria, waiting for me as she said she would. 

"Savannah! Are you excited for your first lunch at Ward Melville? Piece of advice, don't get any of the cooked food. No one even knows what's in the meatloaf." Great. Mysterious meatloaf. Before sitting down, I decide to look for Lincoln. The first day of school is never easy and so maybe he hasn't had the luck of finding anyone to sit with for lunch yet. Scanning the cafeteria, it's obvious I was wrong. Sitting in the middle of a table, next to that Casey girl from homeroom, and surrounded with jocks and cheerleaders, Lincoln has apparently been accepted into their society.

Turning back to Becca, we walk up to the lunch line together and she helps me pick out the most edible thing possible; a turkey sandwich. We walk to an empty table in the corner of the room and sit down. Not even 3 seconds after we sit, Becca starts talking again.

"So the layout of this school is easy. You stay in your respective groups and you don't mingle with the jocks or cheerleaders. Casey over there," Becca points vaguely towards Lincoln, "basically runs this school. Her dad is like the owner of a big record label or something." Well, that makes a lot of sense. She's rich. Probably like rolling in money rich. 

"Yeah, she was supposed to be my 'buddy' today. In homeroom, my teacher forced her to. She dismissed me within one minute." 

"She tends to stick to her group, and her group alone. I mean there's this new guy, and he's possibly the first addition to their group since kindergarten, but can you blame them? He's freaking gorgeous. I mean, I bet he's a dousche but he sure is eye candy." Ew. Is Becca talking about Lincoln? That's just creepy and weird, he's one of the most disgusting people I know. His room is like walking into a garbage shoot. Thinking about it, at least Lincoln will be able to be popular. I know he misses his friends from his old school. 

"Becca... that's just weird to think about. Lincoln is just... Ew." She looked at me with confusion clearly etched into her forehad, eyebrows raised. "He's my brother."

"Wait a second. You live with that sexy ass over there and this is the first time you tell me? Come on Savannah, get your act together." Well that was unexpected. Becca just expects me to tell her things like that? Huh. 

"Can we please change discussion topic? I'm slightly weirded out talking about my brother in this context." 

"Urgh, fine" Becca sighed. "How's your day been so far?"

"Pretty boring. I mean, only four people under the age of 50 have talked to me today. Lincoln, you, Casey and this guy I ran into before homeroom. Oh my God, I haven't told you yet, I tripped and landed right into the guy." Becca started laughing.

"Do you know his name? That is so funny." I don't see what's so funny about it. It was embarassing. 

"Yeah, he told me his name is Charlie." All of a sudden, Becca stopped laughing. It was the most quiet I've ever heard her be. Looking at her I notice a  look of surprise on her face. At least a full minute later, I clear my throat to try and get Becca's attention. She suddenly looked at me intensly and asked me one question that I knew would change everything. 

"Do you mean Charles Donovan?"

"Who the hell is Charles Donovan?" This is getting more and more confusing. Why can't I just go to a normal high school and live a drama free life? Explore the other side and learn everything that I have been missing? 

"Charles Donovan is the so called 'golden boy' of this school. He looks like a greek God and the worst part is that he is also super nice." Becca began explaining. "His parents are loaded. I mean they live in the biggest house in Old Field and have a house in the Hamptons. We live on Long Island, why do you need a house in the Hamptons?! Also he's a straight-A student who's about ot start a career in the entertainment business in New York City. He's basically a walking dream." 

Well, fudge. 

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